The Perfect Time for a PlayStation Multiplayer Game Revival

Exploring the potential of reviving the underrated PS3 shooter, MAG, amidst Sony's commitment to live service games.
The Perfect Time for a PlayStation Multiplayer Game Revival


  • Sony considers reviving the unique PlayStation 3 shooter, MAG, as part of its live service strategy.
  • MAG's standout feature was its massive multiplayer battles with up to 256 players, setting it apart from its time.
  • A rebooted MAG sequel could draw inspiration from successful games like New World and PlanetSide 2 to enhance gameplay depth and scale.

In the ever-evolving landscape of live service gaming, Sony stands out with its perseverance in making the genre work, even amid recent challenges faced by other titles. While some live service games struggle, Sony's commitment remains firm. This commitment opens a window of opportunity for the revival of the overlooked PlayStation 3 gem, MAG.

Originally developed by Zipper Interactive and released in 2010 exclusively for the PlayStation 3, MAG was a pioneer in multiplayer shooters, allowing a massive 256-player battlefield at a time when most games hosted significantly fewer players. The game's scale and ambition were ahead of its era, making it a unique experience. Bringing back the grandeur of MAG with enhanced scale and strategic depth could be a winning move for Sony.

Revisiting MAG's Remarkable Multiplayer Experience

MAG offered distinct gameplay mechanics that differentiated it from other shooters, primarily its unparalleled large-scale battles. While contemporary games struggled to accommodate dozens of players, MAG accommodated up to 256 players in its various modes, leaving a void in the gaming community when its servers went offline.

A revival of MAG for the PlayStation 5 demands more than just a visual upgrade; it necessitates a deeper gameplay experience. Drawing inspiration from Amazon's MMO, New World, Sony could introduce a system where players have a tangible impact on the territories they fight for. Additionally, games like PlanetSide 2 showcase the excitement of larger battlefields, providing a blueprint for a grander MAG sequel.

Elevating Combat Scale in a MAG Sequel

Learning from New World, a potential MAG sequel could incorporate elements of player interaction beyond combat, fostering a living world within the game. Allowing players to build defenses, craft weapons, and develop skills in conquerable outposts would add layers of depth and significance to battles. Expanding the player count and map size, akin to the massive battles in PlanetSide 2, would inject vitality into the game world, attracting a new wave of players to the PS5 platform.

By retaining the essence of the original MAG while amplifying the gameplay's scope and scale, a sequel has the potential to be a standout success for Sony. While introducing a new live service title carries risks, a well-executed sequel to this hidden gem could become a sought-after exclusive for PS5 players.