Revisiting Sae Niijima: An Impactful Character Arc for Persona 6

Exploring the potential of a character similar to Sae Niijima from Persona 5 in shaping the narrative of Persona 6.
Revisiting Sae Niijima: An Impactful Character Arc for Persona 6


  • Persona 6 could benefit from a character who undergoes a transformation from antagonist to ally, drawing inspiration from Sae Niijima's arc in Persona 5.
  • Sae Niijima's character progression in Persona 5, transitioning from an antagonistic figure to a supportive ally, added depth to the storytelling and could serve as a model for Persona 6.
  • Introducing a character transformation akin to Sae Niijima's earlier in the narrative of Persona 6 could offer more room for a redeemed antagonist to shine as an ally.

Persona 6 should consider incorporating a character akin to Persona 5 Royal's Sae Niijima into its narrative. Even if Persona 6 explores different themes, Sae embodies a character archetype that could significantly impact the story. As the flagship subseries within the extensive Shin Megami Tensei franchise, the upcoming game faces the challenge of upholding its rich legacy. To achieve this, Persona 6 requires a compelling narrative, and Sae Nijima could serve as a source of inspiration for the writers.

Each installment in the Persona series revolves around specific themes that become evident throughout the game. Some themes are subtle, while others are prominently featured. Notably, the recent games have explored:

  • Persona 3's theme of death, illustrated through various losses and sacrifices
  • Persona 4's emphasis on truth, with Shadows representing suppressed doubts and emotions
  • Persona 5's focus on freedom and justice, portrayed through the corrupt authority figures serving as the game's antagonists

Revisiting Sae Niijima's Impactful Role

Sae Niijima, associated with the Judgment arcana, serves as one of the automatic Confidants in Persona 5. Throughout most of the game, she operates as a prosecutor investigating the Phantom Thieves, assuming an antagonistic position. Her interrogation of Joker forms the narrative framework for a significant portion of the game, with Joker recounting the party's exploits to her. Fortunately, Sae undergoes a transformation during a pivotal moment in the story, evolving into a steadfast ally of the protagonists in the game's final stages, leveraging her position and knowledge to support them.

Sae's role is pivotal in the narrative of Persona 5, representing a relatively uncommon character archetype within the series. Although Sae was never malevolent, she played an antagonistic role in the plot, and her transition was both authentic and impactful. A comparable instance in the series might be Chidori's allegiance shift for Junpei in Persona 3. While that scene was impactful, particularly for Junpei's character development, Chidori subsequently fell into a coma and did not influence the rest of the story. Sae's continued involvement after her transition furthered her character development, enhancing the overall impact.

Exploring the Potential for a Similar Character Arc

The character arc exemplified by Sae could inspire a character in Persona 6. Similar to Sae, this character could initially oppose the party but ultimately align with them as the story unfolds. This type of character could have an even more profound impact if their transformation occurs relatively early in the narrative. They could serve as the party's initial adversary or undergo a change of heart at a critical juncture in the story. The conversion of an antagonist into an ally has been underexplored in Persona games, presenting an opportunity for Persona 6 to execute it even more effectively than Persona 5 did with Sae.

Sae's significance in Persona 5 positions her as a potential source of inspiration for a segment of Persona 6's storyline. Her transformation played a crucial role in making a memorable moment in Persona 5, and future games could explore similar narrative territory. Sae's evolution throughout the game propelled her from a dedicated opponent to a loyal ally, and her character archetype could be revisited with substantial impact. Persona 6 holds the potential to derive significant narrative depth from a character reminiscent of Persona 5's Sae Niijima.