Revamping the Tutorial Experience in Monster Hunter Wilds

Exploring the necessity for improved tutorials in the upcoming Monster Hunter Wilds game
Revamping the Tutorial Experience in Monster Hunter Wilds


  • Monster Hunter Wilds, set to launch in 2025, aims to capitalize on the success of Monster Hunter World.
  • Tutorials have historically posed challenges in the series, emphasizing learning through gameplay experience.
  • Enhancing informative and engaging tutorials is crucial in Monster Hunter Wilds, especially if it transitions to an open-world format.

The upcoming installment in the Monster Hunter series, known as Monster Hunter Wilds, is slated for a 2025 release, building on the momentum of its predecessor, Monster Hunter World. As fans eagerly anticipate its arrival, the interim period allows for revisiting previous titles or diving into the franchise for the first time with the comprehensive content available in Monster Hunter World and Rise across various platforms. With seasoned hunters poised for the new release, Capcom has been fostering interest, notably through events like the 'Return to World' campaign, drawing parallels between World and the upcoming Wilds. However, some newcomers are finding the learning curve steep, highlighting the perennial issue of tutorial effectiveness in the Monster Hunter series.

The Challenge of Tutorials in Monster Hunter

A common sentiment within the Monster Hunter community is the series' struggle with tutorials. While each game does offer a tutorial, the complex mechanics make it arduous to convey all necessary information effectively. Previous titles like World and Rise inundated players with text boxes and control lists, overwhelming rather than aiding in understanding the game's intricacies.

Learning by Doing in Monster Hunter

Given the essence of player discovery and skill progression at the core of Monster Hunter's identity, tutorials can only do so much. Engaging in Low Rank quests, Expeditions, and multiplayer sessions can assist players to a certain extent, but some nuances may remain elusive without additional guidance. While the game thrives on experiential learning, future iterations like Monster Hunter Wilds can enhance the tutorial experience to provide more support and lessen frustration.

Enhancing Tutorials in Monster Hunter Wilds

Monster Hunter Wilds should prioritize refining its tutorial system to be less intrusive than its predecessors. By spacing out tutorial prompts and incorporating essential information within the initial gameplay hour, Wilds can avoid overwhelming players early on. Focusing on pertinent details and presenting them in a user-friendly manner, while offering avenues for deeper learning, will be key. Anticipating player needs and addressing queries promptly can establish a positive learning trajectory for players.

Adapting Tutorials for an Open-World Setting

If Monster Hunter Wilds adopts an open-world format, allowing players freedom to explore and learn independently becomes paramount. While maintaining centralized hubs for multiplayer activities, the game must strike a balance between guiding players and granting autonomy. Utilizing small, instanced maps for staged hunts could offer a middle ground, blending guided gameplay with minimal text overload. With the potential to revolutionize tutorial experiences, Monster Hunter Wilds must seize this opportunity to redefine the series' learning curve.