Revamping Character Customization in Borderlands 4

Enhancing Character Customization for a More Diverse Gaming Experience
Revamping Character Customization in Borderlands 4


  • Tiny Tina's Wonderlands introduced extensive character customization options, a feature that Borderlands 4 should consider adopting to provide a more diverse range of character creations.
  • In TTW, players had the ability to multiclass, combining abilities from different classes to create unique and adaptable builds, a system that BL4 could incorporate for more satisfying character customization.
  • Borderlands 4 should consider merging the existing Vault Hunter characters with a similar creation system to TTW, offering players a wider range of character development possibilities in the franchise.

Borderlands has always given fans a variety of choices and agency in approaching its frantic FPS RPG looter-shooter series. From the dizzying array of weapons and range of characters with related class abilities that can be tailored to suit a number of play styles, from close-range tanking to specializing in sniping, Borderlands usually has a selection of player protagonists whose powers match any preference. At the same time, it often keeps character archetypes fairly familiar and recognizable between each title. While this has worked well in the franchise so far, it was still limited in many ways, especially compared to the options included in Gearbox Software's latest title set in the Borderlands world.

Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, a spin-off from the mainline titles, is based on the popular Assault on Dragon Keep DLC for BL2, which shifted the framework to a game of Bunkers & Badasses, the Borderlands in-universe equivalent to a Dungeons & Dragons-like tabletop RPG. Though much of the structure and gameplay was familiar territory, TTW had a more lighthearted whimsical fantasy based setting. TTW also introduced some shakeups that weren't previously seen in BL. One of the most notable was allowing players to fully, and extensively, customize their character. TTW no longer limited fans to a selection of established Vault Hunters, but instead handed them the most comprehensive character and class customization options yet, far surpassing the possibilities previous Borderlands games provided. This is something BL4 should incorporate too.

Revamping Character Customization in Borderlands 4

Borderlands Character Classes and Customization Vs. Tiny Tina's Wonderlands

Traditionally, Borderlands gives players a choice from an existing collection of playable Vault Hunter characters, usually a pool of four. Each of these Hunters has a predetermined class and even a personality for the most part, though this is relegated somewhat to the background, as the plot must account for whatever choice of Hunter players go with. Even so, they were varied enough that each felt and played differently, and all were viable with none seeming redundant or inferior. Players could additionally find various skins and small cosmetic adjustments that did change their appearance, albeit often only in minor ways.

Both games also had equippable items that boosted character/class specific abilities, such as adding extra damage or reducing cooldown, though these were mainly mechanical functions. Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, though, opened Pandora's Box in the character customization area. The justification for doing so also coincided neatly with the setup, as naturally, player avatars in any TTRPG are highly based on personal style and imagination. TTW offered a deep creation model with a wide assortment of costumes and other cosmetics, even having various voices for fans to choose, making the breadth of options striking compared to BL. ​

Enhancing Character Customization in Borderlands 4

The freedom and creativity Tiny Tina's Wonderlands put in players' hands to mold their avatar was sharply different from anything previously included in the main Borderlands titles thus far. Beyond the extensive creator model, TTW also eventually let players multiclass, allowing even further adaptability by being able to utilize abilities from an entirely different class, mixing and matching ones that complimented and improved their existing build. This worked incredibly well to further the overall enjoyment of the experience.

Borderlands 4 could take this structure and run with it. Gearbox could theoretically feature previous Vault Hunter characters as playable protagonists, and perhaps then combine them with a similar Tiny Tina's Wonderlands-style creation system, providing the best of both worlds. This would allow for a much more diverse and satisfying range of character creations. If BL4 is able to expand on its character system by taking a few cues from TTW, it would likely be a welcome inclusion for the future of the franchise.