Enhancing BioShock 4's Plasmids for Exciting Abilities

Exploring potential improvements to BioShock 4's Plasmids system to introduce more dynamic and engaging gameplay features.
Enhancing BioShock 4's Plasmids for Exciting Abilities


  • BioShock 4 could introduce customizable Plasmids for a diverse range of abilities.
  • Expanding the variety of Plasmids in BioShock 4 could enhance the gaming experience.
  • Despite challenges, BioShock 4 has the potential to innovate and rejuvenate its iconic ability system.

From the inception of the series, BioShock has featured Plasmids, genetic serums that empower players with extraordinary abilities. While melee weapons are available, Plasmids offer a more potent albeit costly means to combat foes. Known abilities like Telekinesis, Electro Bolt, Incinerate, and Winter Blast have been pivotal in the first two games. However, as BioShock 4 looms, a refresh seems necessary.

Despite rumored development challenges, BioShock 4 continues its journey, hinting at a potential release. If realized, the game could redefine its iconic Plasmids in various innovative ways.

Enhancing BioShock 4's Plasmids for Exciting Abilities

Implementing Customizable Plasmids

A potential upgrade for BioShock 4's Plasmids involves introducing a comprehensive customization system. Similar to action-adventure and RPG games, allowing players to tailor each Plasmid through unique skill trees could be groundbreaking. For instance, Electro Bolt could be modified to focus on single-target damage or spread damage across multiple foes. Moreover, hybrid Plasmids could blend effects for powerful, personalized attacks. Combining Incinerate with Cyclone Trap might create a fiery tornado, while merging Sonic Boom and Winter Blast could amplify freezing effects. Diversifying customization options could align BioShock 4 with contemporary gaming standards.

Expanding Plasmid Variety

Another logical progression for BioShock 4's Plasmids is to introduce a wider array of abilities. Beyond traditional elements like fire and ice, untapped potentials exist for new Plasmids. In addition to classic choices, incorporating abilities such as Stop/Slow Time, Invisibility, and Teleport could seamlessly integrate into the game's unique universe. The richly imaginative world of BioShock offers ample room for inventive abilities to enrich the existing collection.

While the inclusion of Plasmids in BioShock 4 remains uncertain amidst development challenges, abandoning a special ability system akin to Plasmids might feel regressive. It's plausible that Cloud Chamber, the game's developer, is contemplating an evolved iteration of the beloved Plasmid system to invigorate gameplay and usher in a fresh experience.