Discovering the Homage: One Fenix Down and Classic RPG Influence

Exploring the nods to '90s RPGs and Final Fantasy games in One Fenix Down's design and storyline.
Discovering the Homage: One Fenix Down and Classic RPG Influence


  • Unveiling the narrative and development journey of One Fenix Down, a retro RPG with a classic feel.
  • Delving into the thematic inspirations behind the title, drawing parallels to redemption in epic storytelling.
  • Examining the power of friendship trope in RPGs and how One Fenix Down incorporates it into its narrative.

One Fenix Down embarks players on a nostalgic journey through a retro turn-based RPG world, featuring Fenix as the protagonist on a quest to 'protect fate' with no clear directive. Originating as a passion project, the game has evolved over eight years of development and is on the brink of launching a Kickstarter campaign and a Steam demo in the near future.

In a recent interview with Game Rant, developer RC Dunn highlighted that One Fenix Down adheres to the classic RPG archetype of a hero embarking on a world-saving quest. However, Dunn described the game as a comforting experience, blending a rich narrative, compelling characters, and a vibrant world reminiscent of '90s RPGs. The game's design aims to evoke the essence of RPGs from that era, offering players a nostalgic yet fresh gaming experience.

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