Unveiling Retro Gaming's Influence on Level Design: Dark Souls & Metroidvania

Exploring how RetroSpace's interconnected space station draws inspiration from the iconic Dark Souls and metroidvanias.
Unveiling Retro Gaming's Influence on Level Design: Dark Souls & Metroidvania


  • RetroSpace's level design draws inspiration from Dark Souls for interconnected exploration.
  • The game's space station layout mirrors Dark Souls' interconnected world, offering shortcuts and hidden paths.
  • Incorporating Metroidvania elements, RetroSpace teases players with inaccessible areas to revisit post-discovery.

Creating an immersive gaming experience like RetroSpace requires a delicate balance of open-ended exploration and player freedom. The game's developers have ingeniously taken cues from renowned titles to achieve this, particularly drawing inspiration from the masterful level design of the iconic Dark Souls.

In a conversation with Game Rant, Bálint Bánk Varga, writer and designer of RetroSpace, discussed how the game's vast interconnected space station was influenced by Dark Souls and the soulslike genre. Additionally, the team looked to the Metroidvania genre for its progressive exploration, tantalizing players with areas they can't access until they acquire new abilities or uncover alternative paths.

Unveiling Dark Souls' Interconnected World in RetroSpace

The central hub in Dark Souls, Firelink Shrine, acts as the pivotal location for players to advance quests, offering access to nearly the entire game world. Similarly, RetroSpace's space station layout will feature a labyrinthine design with shortcuts that loop back to the starting point, reminiscent of the memorable interconnected pathways found in Dark Souls.

Players exploring RetroSpace may stumble upon hidden shortcuts that link various sections of the space station, with the level design strategically hinting at what lies ahead. This design philosophy mirrors Dark Souls' approach, where glimpses of distant areas like the Great Hollow leading to Ash Lake from Firelink Shrine create a sense of anticipation.

Embracing Metroidvania Roots in RetroSpace

Notably, Dark Souls' level design itself draws inspiration from Metroidvania exploration, a lineage that RetroSpace continues to honor. The game's progression and exploration mechanics echo the Metroidvania concept of unlocking new paths by acquiring abilities, fostering a dynamic gameplay loop.

Melding the essence of Metroidvania and FromSoftware's intricate level design, RetroSpace presents a promising blend of gameplay elements. Despite the challenges posed by developing an immersive sim game, Varga remains optimistic, finding joy in overcoming each obstacle encountered during the game's creation.

RetroSpace is currently in development.