Rethinking Magic in Persona Party Members

Exploring the effectiveness of Persona party members with lower Magic stats in combat situations
Rethinking Magic in Persona Party Members


  • Magic in Persona games plays a crucial role in exploiting Affinity weaknesses
  • Party members like Chie and Kanji, despite having low Magic stats, excel in other areas beneficial for physical attacks and support roles
  • Understanding the unique strengths of each party member is essential for strategic gameplay in the Persona series

Magic is a vital aspect of combat in the Persona series, influencing the effectiveness of various skills, including Affinity attacks. While some party members may have lower Magic stats, their contributions in other areas can make them valuable assets on the battlefield.

Each character's Magic Stat determines the effectiveness of their magic attacks, but in some cases, their low Magic should not overshadow their overall strengths. Let's explore how certain party members with lower Magic stats can still play essential roles in combat scenarios.

6 Chie Satonaka

Personas: Tomoe, Suzuka Gongen, Haraedo-no-Okami

List of Magic Skills:

  • Bufu -> Bufula
  • Mabufu

Chie's focus on physical prowess and agility makes her a valuable asset for direct combat situations, despite her lower Magic stat. Her unique skills and abilities allow her to excel in specific roles within the party dynamic.

Chie's strength lies in her physical skills, making her an ideal candidate for taking down enemies weak to physical attacks. While her magical abilities may not be as potent, her overall combat prowess compensates for this limitation.

5 Aigis

Personas: Palladion, Athena (P3 Reload)

List of Magic Skills:

  • N/A

Aigis, known for her endurance and physical prowess, may not boast impressive magical abilities, but her resilience and unique skill set make her a valuable asset in combat situations.

While Aigis may not excel in magic-based attacks, her proficiency in physical combat and support skills ensures she remains a crucial member of the party. Players can leverage her strengths to enhance the team's overall effectiveness in battles.

4 Shinjiro Aragaki

Personas: Castor

List of Magic Skills:

  • N/A

Shinjiro's emphasis on physical prowess and unique skill set make him a formidable ally in battle, despite his lackluster magical abilities.

While Shinjiro may not rely on magic for combat, his proficiency in physical attacks and strategic support skills make him a valuable asset in challenging encounters. Players can capitalize on his strengths to overcome formidable foes and navigate complex battle scenarios.