Resident Evil 9: Embracing a Fantasy Theme with Enhanced Gameplay

Exploring the potential impact of introducing medieval weaponry in the Resident Evil franchise.
Resident Evil 9: Embracing a Fantasy Theme with Enhanced Gameplay


  • Resident Evil is blending fantasy and science-fiction elements into its narrative and setting, offering a unique and captivating experience for players.
  • The absence of medieval weapons in Resident Evil Village represents a missed opportunity to diversify the gameplay and enhance the fantasy aesthetic.
  • While the introduction of new weapons in Resident Evil 9 remains uncertain, the gradual expansion of the arsenal could lead to more satisfying gameplay experiences.

Resident Evil has evolved from its traditional science-fiction roots, incorporating elements of dark fantasy into its narrative. The introduction of werewolves and vampires in Resident Evil Village has demonstrated the franchise's commitment to exploring new genres within its established science-fiction framework. Through the utilization of the Cadou parasite and the Mold, Resident Evil has successfully intertwined fantasy tropes with its science-fiction foundation.

Just as Resident Evil seamlessly integrated horror and action, the inclusion of fantasy elements has expanded the game's thematic scope. While the conclusion of the Winters saga may influence the franchise's direction, the enthralling battles against mythological creatures in a rustic village have showcased the potential of the fantasy theme. However, the reliance on conventional firearms for combating these unearthly adversaries may not fully align with the fantastical setting, prompting speculation about the potential for a more thematically appropriate equipment selection in Resident Evil 9.

The Mismatched Arsenal: Fantasy and Reality

Exploring the Absence of Medieval Weapons in Resident Evil Village

The absence of medieval weaponry in Resident Evil has raised questions about the potential to enrich the gameplay experience. While the inclusion of crossbows, bows, and swords could have introduced a new layer of complexity and immersion, their absence represents a missed opportunity in Village. The incorporation of these weapons could have redefined the survival-horror gameplay and added a unique dimension to encounters with formidable adversaries, contributing to a more diverse and engaging experience. Despite the absence of such weaponry in Village, the prospect of their inclusion in Resident Evil 9 remains uncertain.

Resident Evil 9: Evolution of Weaponry

Despite the potential for innovation, Resident Evil has often adhered to familiar weapon archetypes, reflecting a sense of consistency across various installments. While speculations about the inclusion of new weapons in Resident Evil 9 persist, the franchise's historical adherence to traditional firearms raises questions about the potential for introducing a diverse arsenal. As the narrative trajectory of the series unfolds, the incorporation of medieval weaponry could serve as a compelling enhancement, aligning with the fantastical elements introduced in Village. The exploration of alternative armaments, such as swords and crossbows, could offer a fresh perspective on gameplay dynamics while contributing to an enriched thematic experience.

While the introduction of new weapons in Resident Evil 9 remains speculative, the gradual expansion of the arsenal can offer players an evolving and gratifying gameplay experience, bridging the thematic elements with immersive gameplay dynamics. The potential inclusion of medieval weaponry in Resident Evil 9 holds promise for a captivating and enriching evolution of the franchise's iconic gameplay.