Revamping Sheva Alomar in a Potential Resident Evil 5 Remake

Exploring the Potential Enhancements for Sheva Alomar in a Hypothetical Resident Evil 5 Remake
Revamping Sheva Alomar in a Potential Resident Evil 5 Remake


  • The remakes of previous Resident Evil games have successfully enhanced the depth and development of characters, making them more appealing and memorable.
  • Previous remakes have improved characters' relationships and added layers to their personalities, as seen with Carlos and Luis.
  • A potential Resident Evil 5 remake should prioritize improving Sheva's AI, addressing player complaints about her frustrating behavior, while also expanding her backstory and character impact.

Although there's no official confirmation, it's highly probable that a Resident Evil 5 remake is on the horizon for gaming enthusiasts. Following Capcom's recent string of remakes that have reinvigorated numerous overlooked Resident Evil characters, a RE5 remake should focus on enhancing one of the franchise's most promising yet controversial figures: Sheva Alomar.

The remakes of the second, third, and fourth Resident Evil games have successfully revamped the classic survival-horror titles for modern players accustomed to more cinematic, polished gaming experiences. Apart from major graphical overhauls and improved movement and shooting mechanics, these remakes have notably excelled in character development. From iconic heroes to supporting NPCs, the three remakes have strived to make their characters more likable, realistic, and memorable, and a potential Resident Evil 5 remake should follow suit.

Why & How the Resident Evil 5 Remake Should Enhance Sheva

Reshaping Characters in the Resident Evil Series

Even the most pivotal characters in the Resident Evil franchise have undergone significant transformations through the remakes. For example, Leon Kennedy is now more relatable and grounded in the newer games, a departure from the action hero persona in the originals. Even minor characters have been elevated, as seen with Carlos from Resident Evil 3 and Luis from Resident Evil 4.

In the case of Carlos, the Resident Evil 3 remake provided a more nuanced portrayal, enriching his relationship with Jill by allowing self-reflection on his ties to Umbrella. Similarly, Resident Evil 4's Luis, initially charismatic and likable, received a deeper characterization in the remake, delving into his guilt and sense of responsibility in the outbreak, thereby enhancing the game's narrative.

Implementing Enhancements for Sheva in a Resident Evil 5 Remake

Sheva, a newcomer to the franchise, faced high expectations upon her introduction in Resident Evil 5. While she has her critics, many fans view her as an underrated character with a unique, compelling backstory, making her one of Resident Evil's strongest heroines. However, she could benefit from a makeover akin to those of Luis and Carlos, with a RE5 remake delving into her background and providing more impactful character moments. Additionally, the remake should address her gameplay functionality.

Sheva's criticism from Resident Evil enthusiasts primarily centers on her AI rather than her character. Sheva is infamous for being one of the most exasperating video game companions, often obstructing the player, lagging behind, or recklessly charging into combat. With an impending Resident Evil 5 remake likely incorporating comprehensive improvements, refining Sheva's AI would significantly improve her reception among fans.

Given that games are an interactive medium, players are quick to disapprove of NPCs exhibiting bothersome and impractical behavior, regardless of their narrative depth. Elevating Sheva's involvement and expanding her backstory, alongside enhancing her role as a companion, would not only benefit the Resident Evil 5 remake but also breathe new life into a largely overlooked character.