Discover the Ultimate Herb Combinations in Resident Evil 2 (2019)

Uncover the most effective herb combinations for survival in the game
Discover the Ultimate Herb Combinations in Resident Evil 2 (2019)


  • Combine Green and Red herbs for a full health restoration and an extra life
  • Utilize the Green and Blue herb blend to cure poison and regain health, crucial in the sewers
  • Blend three Green herbs for complete health restoration and temporary damage resistance

As players venture into Raccoon City in the Resident Evil 2 game, they must ensure they have healing items at the ready for inevitable confrontations. Healing is pivotal to survival in Resident Evil 2, and the game offers various herbs that can be combined to maximize their effects. But which herb combinations are the most advantageous for players seeking to make the most of these plants?

All herb combinations in Resident Evil 2 (2019) offer benefits to the player, but their specific effects vary depending on the situation. Below, players can find each of these combinations and their respective benefits in dealing with zombies and the formidable Tyrant, Mr. X.

7 Green + Green

Restores a Substantial Amount of Health

Combining two green herbs in Resident Evil 2 allows players to restore a significant portion of their health. This combination is more effective than using a single herb, but it's advisable to use it only when the damage warrants its use. Otherwise, players may want to consider consuming a different herb in this survival horror scenario.

6 Green + Red

Completely Restores Health

In dire situations, combining the green and red herbs creates one of the most effective herb blends in Resident Evil 2 Remake. This combination fully heals the player, regardless of their current health level, essentially providing an extra life in this action-packed horror title.

Similar to combining two green herbs, it's best to use this blend only when necessary to avoid squandering a healing item that essentially offers an additional life based on the health it provides.

5 Green + Blue

Remedies Poison, Restores Some Health

Suffering from poisoning in Resident Evil 2 is no laughing matter. Therefore, combining a green and blue herb produces a miraculous remedy that not only cures poison but also restores health, making it an invaluable choice. Poison may not be lethal, but it can certainly cause significant health depletion, especially in the treacherous sewers, posing a serious threat to the player's survival.

4 Red + Blue

Heals Poison, Provides Temporary Immunity

For players preparing to confront the poisonous adversaries lurking in the sewers, combining the red and blue herbs is a wise choice. This combination not only cures poison but also grants temporary immunity, enabling players to engage closely with assailants attempting to poison them, whether it's Leon or Claire.

3 Green + Green + Blue

Heals Poison, Restores a Significant Amount of Health

For players unconcerned about poison immunity, the blend of three herbs—green, green, and blue—can be highly beneficial. This combination allows players to cure poison and regain a substantial amount of health, offering an opportunity to recover any lost health during encounters with poisoned enemies. However, as poison is not a common affliction in Resident Evil 2, it may be prudent to reserve this blend for more critical situations.

2 Green + Green + Green

Completely Restores Health, Provides Temporary Damage Resistance Boost

By combining three green herbs, players can become formidable, resilient figures that even Mr. X would dread. This blend fully restores health and provides a damage resistance boost, allowing players to withstand enemy attacks more effectively. Nonetheless, sustaining damage is still a concern, despite the reduced impact, so it's crucial not to lose the restored health carelessly.

1 Green + Red + Blue

Completely Restores Health, Guards Against Poison, Temporarily Reduces Damage Taken

Combining all available herbs in Resident Evil 2 Remake offers a trifecta of remedies, providing players with a significant advantage. The combination of green, red, and blue herbs allows players to fully restore their health, gain immunity to poison, and receive a damage resistance boost. However, the latter two benefits are temporary, so it's wise not to recklessly engage in battles assuming that Leon or Claire can triumph over any challenge they encounter.