Revisiting Resident Evil 2's Body Horror for Future Franchise Entries

Exploring the impactful body horror elements of Resident Evil 2 and their potential for enhancing upcoming games in the series.
Revisiting Resident Evil 2's Body Horror for Future Franchise Entries


  • Resident Evil 9 could reintroduce the perfect blend of action and horror from earlier titles like Resident Evil 2.
  • Revisiting the body horror of Resident Evil 2, specifically William Birkin's transformation, could bring new depth to future games.
  • The examination of humanity lost through mutation in Resident Evil 2 provides a chilling foundation for the series to build upon.

Resident Evil has always balanced between action and horror. This mix is what makes the franchise iconic. The upcoming Resident Evil 9 may shift back to a more classic horror style seen in Resident Evil 2.

In Resident Evil 2, players face Mr. X and the tragic William Birkin, a scientist turned mutant. Birkin's transformation into a grotesque G-Mutant showcases raw body horror, a theme future games should explore.

Embracing Body Horror in New Resident Evil Titles

Lessons from Resident Evil 2's Body Horror

While mad scientists are common, Birkin's human struggle in Resident Evil 2 stands out. His gradual mutation adds a human touch to the horror. Unlike other villains, players witness Birkin's painful transformation, intensifying the fear.

Initially recognizable, Birkin's appearance deteriorates with each encounter. His descent into a monstrous entity triggers a primal fear of losing humanity, making Resident Evil 2 exceptionally terrifying.

Evolution of Body Horror in Resident Evil

Emphasizing Birkin's humanity before his mutation intensifies the horror. By focusing on a character's loss of self, future games can heighten emotional connection and fear. This approach could elevate the horror genre in gaming by tapping into deep-seated fears of transformation and loss of identity.

Unlike past games where protagonists easily overcome infections, leveraging Birkin's transformation on a sympathetic character could amplify stakes and tension. This shift could delve into the unsettling terror of losing humanity, a core theme in zombie narratives and horror media.