Rethinking the Future of Cyberpunk 2077: A New Direction for the Sequel

Exploring how the upcoming Cyberpunk sequel can steer away from shock value and focus on enhancing the gaming experience.
Rethinking the Future of Cyberpunk 2077: A New Direction for the Sequel


  • Reevaluating shock factors in game design for improved player engagement
  • Enhancing gender customization to align with gameplay and narrative coherence
  • Balancing boundary-pushing features with storytelling for a more immersive experience

While embracing player creativity in gaming is vital, some elements may prioritize creating buzz over enhancing immersion. Cyberpunk highlighted such a dilemma, raising questions about design intentions and player engagement. The sequel presents an opportunity to address these issues before they become ingrained.

With Cyberpunk 2077, the gender customization feature, while attempting to push boundaries, came off as gimmicky and detached from the core gameplay experience. The focus on genital customization, confined to a brief moment in character creation, didn't align with the overall narrative direction or player agency, feeling more like a superficial addition for shock value.

Revisiting Gender Customization in Cyberpunk 2077

Upon its release, Cyberpunk 2077's mature rating was justified given its intense violence and graphic themes. The game's weaponry, combat mechanics, and narrative choices often revolved around brutal actions and dark scenarios. Despite its sexual undertones, the game's approach to gender customization stood out as a jarring inclusion that failed to integrate seamlessly with its world-building.

Diving into the World of Cyberpunk

Cyberpunk's narrative landscape is filled with provocative and edgy content, including sexual encounters and explicit themes. While these elements contribute to the game's atmosphere, the superficial focus on genital customization disrupts the coherence between gameplay and storytelling.

Evolution of Character Customization

The option to customize gender in Cyberpunk, while progressive in concept, falls short in execution due to limitations tied to character pronouns and voice modulation. For the sequel to succeed, a reevaluation of such features is necessary to ensure they serve a purpose beyond mere shock value, enhancing the overall player experience.

By redirecting the focus towards a more cohesive blend of gameplay mechanics and narrative depth, the Cyberpunk sequel can transcend its predecessor's shortcomings. Striking a balance between innovation and storytelling will be key in delivering a gaming experience that is both immersive and thought-provoking.