Rescuing Jack Driver in Remnant 2: Forgotten Kingdom DLC

Exploring the tragic tale of Private Jack Driver, a stranded soldier in Remnant 2's latest DLC.
Rescuing Jack Driver in Remnant 2: Forgotten Kingdom DLC


  • Discovering Private Jack Driver's plight in the Forgotten Kingdom
  • Attempting to save Jack Driver from his fate
  • Unveiling the rewards and outcomes of Jack Driver's quest

While delving into the uncharted territories of the Forgotten Kingdom in Remnant 2, you'll encounter a host of intriguing characters. Among them is 'Walt', also known as Rothinderahenwalt, a solitary Pan seeking answers about the kingdom's mysterious past. Then there's Lydusa, the deity linked to the downfall of this ancient civilization.

However, one easily overlooked figure is Private Jack Driver, an Earth soldier trapped in the jungles of Yaesha for a century, aging each time he meets death. Despite his limited disclosure, Jack Driver's amiable nature sparks a desire to rescue him from this perilous predicament in Remnant 2.

How to Aid Jack Driver

Is There Hope for Jack Driver?

Initially situated in the Luminous Vale, near the weeping Lydusa statue pivotal for obtaining the Cherished Fracture, Jack Driver resides amidst two stone edifices entwined with corrupted tree roots. Traverse these roots as pathways, leap across structures, and access a cavern entrance where Jack awaits, taken aback by your presence but otherwise unharmed.

Dive into conversation with Jack, updating him on the world's current state (truthful or not, the choice is inconsequential). As you bid farewell, Jack implores you for assistance, requesting to be freed from his confinement. Your responses range from agreeable to indifferent, prompting Jack to await your return post other engagements. Tragically, upon defeating Lydusa or bestowing her the Cherished Fracture at the Goddess's Rest and coming back for Jack, his lifeless form greets you within the cavern.

Regrettably, thus far, no salvation has been found for Jack Driver. Unless a concealed solution emerges, his narrative consistently culminates in succumbing to the Stonewing Lurker. The poignancy intensifies upon perusing his extensive journal nearby (brace yourself for its 17-page length). While acknowledging the harsh reality of a post-apocalyptic realm, the possibility of integrating a fresh NPC into the hub area via DLC would have been a heartening addition.

Quest Benefits

Reaping Rewards from the Ordeal

Looking beyond Jack's tragic demise, what spoils await diligent adventurers embroiled in this questline? Declaring your intent to escort Jack home earns you the Rally Band Ring, vanquishing the Stonewing Lurker Aberration yields the Far-Sighted Mutator, and beside Jack Driver's lifeless form rests the Worn Dog Tags Amulet. In essence:

Despite the sorrowful outcome, encountering Private Jack Driver and concluding his odyssey proves rewarding. Moreover, players embodying the Handler Archetype are in for a unique moment as Mr. Driver encounters your loyal canine companion for the first time.