Mastering Explosive Builds with the Thorn Long Gun in Remnant 2

Unleash the full potential of the Thorn Long Gun found in Remnant 2's Forgotten Kingdom DLC with these explosive build strategies.
Mastering Explosive Builds with the Thorn Long Gun in Remnant 2


  • Discover the top Explosive Damage build featuring the Thorn Long Gun
  • Explore alternative build options for maximum DPS output
  • Learn about Archetype, Ring, and Handgun choices to tailor your explosive build

Explosive Damage builds in Remnant 2 aren't as common as Elemental Damage builds, but they can pack a punch. While choices for Explosive builds are limited, the Thorn Long Gun from the Forgotten Kingdom DLC stands out as a top choice for explosive damage. Let's delve into the best build for maximizing DPS with this weapon and explore some alternative options.

Optimal Build for Thorn Long Gun

Enhance Your Explosive Arsenal with This Setup

The default build for the Thorn Long Gun is a solid foundation for explosive damage. This setup ensures the highest damage output when using this weapon. While you need to acquire and upgrade the Thorn, the required equipment for this build is likely already in your possession.

Recommended Skills, Mutators, Relic Fragments, and Traits

While flexibility exists in choosing skills, mutators, and relic fragments, for optimal performance, consider:

  • Skills: Way of Kaeula (Invoker) & Reaver (Summoner)
  • Mutators: Searing Wounds (Thorn) & Kill Switch (Star Shot)
  • Relic Fragments: Mod Damage, Skill Cooldown, & Elemental Damage

Additionally, key Traits play a crucial role in enhancing your explosive damage build.

Exploring Alternative Build Paths

Diversify Your Explosive Arsenal

While the main build is effective, several alternative build options cater to different playstyles. Certain components like the Detonation Trigger Amulet, Blasting Cap Ring, & Singed Ring are common across most explosive builds.

Explore various Archetype, Ring, and Handgun options to customize your explosive build according to your preferences.

Fine-tuning Your Build

Personalize Your Explosive Arsenal

Tailor your build by selecting Archetypes, Rings, and Handguns that complement your playstyle. Experiment with different combinations to optimize your explosive damage output.

Maximizing Explosive Potential

Choosing the Right Gear for Explosive Mayhem

When it comes to Handgun selection, prioritize effectiveness in multiplayer scenarios. Consider the Star Shot for its versatile performance in explosive builds.

Final Considerations

Concluding Thoughts on Explosive Builds

Mastering explosive builds with the Thorn Long Gun provides a thrilling gameplay experience. While the Thorn excels in explosive damage, exploring alternative builds adds depth to your gameplay. Remember to consider your co-op partners when building for explosive damage to ensure an enjoyable gaming experience for everyone.