Deciphering the Moon Floor Puzzle in Remnant 2's Forgotten Kingdom DLC

A guide to mastering the lunar puzzle at the Earthen Coliseum for Remnant 2 players.
Deciphering the Moon Floor Puzzle in Remnant 2's Forgotten Kingdom DLC


  • Understand the Phases of the Moon Event
  • Discover the Rewards of Solving the Puzzle
  • Alternative Strategies for Quick Solutions

Exploring Remnant 2's Forgotten Kingdom DLC in Adventure Mode may lead you to encounter the intriguing Phase of the Moon Event, which often appears at locations like the Earthen Coliseum and the Proving Grounds.

While tackling this lunar puzzle may seem daunting initially, there are hidden rewards awaiting those who unravel its mysteries. Let's delve into this random event from Remnant 2, exploring how to solve it, alternative ways to bypass it, the rewards it offers, and more.

The Phases Of The Moon Event

Understanding the Puzzle

Identified by a t-shaped area featuring a mural depicting the moon phases, the Phases of the Moon Event challenges players to navigate based on the sequence of these lunar stages. Should you misstep, you'll face formidable foes like Living Armor enemies and a formidable Root creature in an underwater section.

Rewards In This Area

Valuable Discoveries

Unveil the treasures hidden within the Phases of the Moon puzzle, including unique items alongside the usual spoils obtained from defeating enemies. Additionally, conquer the challenging Root monster to fully explore the lower region.

Unintended Solutions

Quick Fixes and Shortcuts

If you seek alternative methods to conquer the puzzle swiftly, consider following a guide's path or shooting the floor. These unconventional strategies provide shortcuts:

  • Left, Forward, Right, Forward, Right, Back, Right, Back to reach the open doorway, acquire the Mark of the Destroyer Ring, and unlock a shortcut
  • Left, Forward, Forward, Left, then leap towards the Full Moon tile to access a separate lower room containing the Moon Stone Amulet

Alternatively, shooting the floor ahead can reveal safe paths forward. Utilize weapons like the Thorn Long Gun to test surfaces for solidity, ensuring a secure route through the puzzle.