Exciting News Ahead for Alan Wake and Control Enthusiasts

Discover Remedy's bold strategies for expanding the beloved Alan Wake and Control universes following the triumph of their latest installments.
Exciting News Ahead for Alan Wake and Control Enthusiasts


  • Remedy intends to accelerate the release of sequels for Alan Wake and Control to satisfy the eager fan base seeking more content within the interconnected world.
  • With the successful launch of Alan Wake 2 and complete ownership of the Control IP, Remedy is poised for enhanced brand recognition and revenue in future projects.
  • The entwined narratives of Alan Wake 2 and Control set the stage for Remedy to extend these renowned franchises and enrich their captivating mythology.

Remedy has exciting updates for devotees of Alan Wake and Control, indicating a reduced gap between game releases compared to the lengthy hiatus between Alan Wake 2 and its forerunner. As the Remedy universe continues to expand, the developer of Alan Wake and Control sets ambitious objectives for both series.

The titles in the Remedy universe are renowned for their distinctive narratives. From Max Payne to Quantum Break, Remedy has crafted some enthralling games, yet Alan Wake and Control have emerged as flagship projects from the studio. Control garnered critical acclaim in 2019, while the launch of Alan Wake 2 last year marked another significant triumph for Remedy. Despite Control being the inaugural entry in its series, Alan Wake 2 was a highly anticipated sequel. The original Alan Wake title debuted 13 years ago, prompting Remedy to reassure fans worried about prolonged waits for forthcoming releases.

Recent remarks from Remedy's CEO, Tero Virtala, suggest the company aims to consistently expand both franchises to construct a vast interconnected universe. With Alan Wake 2 becoming Remedy's fastest-selling game and the studio acquiring full control of the Control IP, the future of these games is of paramount importance to Remedy.

The Path Ahead for Alan Wake and Control

Virtala emphasized in recent statements that Remedy strives for more frequent sequels, pledging shorter intervals between game launches. In Remedy's recent financial reports, Virtala stated, "With Alan Wake and Control now established as two franchises, our goal is to nurture them into brands with strong recognition, expanding user bases, more regular sequel releases, and the capacity to generate substantial revenues and profits." The ongoing development of Control's sequel and multiplayer offshoot, coupled with forthcoming DLCs for Alan Wake 2, exemplifies Remedy's intent to maximize the potential of both franchises. As further evidence of Remedy's commitment to expanding its interconnected gaming universe, Virtala revealed the impressive sales figures for Alan Wake 2, affirming the demand for additional Alan Wake installments.

After a 13-year hiatus since its inception, the triumphant return of Alan Wake 2 is remarkable for the series. Given the interwoven narratives of Alan Wake 2 and Control, it is logical for Remedy to concentrate on furthering the growth of these franchises. The Alan Wake series and Control feature some of the most captivating storylines in contemporary gaming, promising an intriguing evolution of the games' rich lore as Remedy delves deeper into these realms.