Unveiling the Link Between the Remedy Connected Universe and the Control Multiplayer Game

Exploring the ties between Alan Wake and Control in the upcoming co-op Control game within the Remedy Connected Universe.
Unveiling the Link Between the Remedy Connected Universe and the Control Multiplayer Game


  • Discover how the Remedy Connected Universe expands with Control's multiplayer game.
  • Explore the potential connections between Control 2 and the multiplayer game.
  • Delve into Alan Wake's abilities and his relationship with the FBC in the upcoming multiplayer game.

Remedy has built a reputation for its unique games that blend live action and music in innovative ways. Among its various franchises, Alan Wake and Control have merged to form the expansive Remedy Connected Universe, brimming with paranormal activity and interwoven storylines.

The narrative of Control is far from its conclusion, hinting at a deeper exploration with Jesse Faden leading the Federal Bureau of Control. With the introduction of a multiplayer Control game, players stand to uncover more about the Remedy Connected Universe and the intricate ties between the FBC and Alan Wake.

Embarking on a Control Multiplayer Journey

Launched in 2019, Control follows Jesse Faden's journey as she stumbles upon the Federal Bureau of Control while searching for her brother. The FBC is dedicated to investigating and safeguarding against paranormal occurrences. While the franchise originated as a single-player title, Remedy has now revealed plans for a multiplayer game.

Codenamed Condor, this cooperative PvE game is currently in the works. Part of the Control universe, the co-op game adds another layer to the Remedy Connected Universe, which includes the Alan Wake series. Though lacking a release date, it is confirmed to be in development for PS5, Xbox Series X/S, and PC.

Evolution of Control: Single-Player to Multiplayer

The multiplayer game does not signify the end of Control's single-player series. Control 2 is actively in development and is promised to be a larger-scale project compared to its predecessors. Remedy's full ownership of the franchise, which has sold over 4 million copies, underscores the studio's commitment to its success.

Expanding the Remedy Connected Universe Through Multiplayer

Following Control's AWE DLC, the realms of Alan Wake and Jesse Faden have intertwined, a trend continuing in Alan Wake 2 where the FBC aids Saga Anderson in her quest to rescue her daughter. Numerous unresolved mysteries persist within the Remedy Connected Universe.

An urgent matter awaiting exploration in the multiplayer game is Alan Wake's potential as a parautilitarian. His writing possesses reality-altering capabilities, with uncertainties lingering regarding the influence of the Dark Place versus his inherent powers. The existence of figures like Alex Casey, resembling a character from Alan's novels, adds complexity to the narrative.

Unraveling Alan Wake's Mysteries with the FBC

Another intriguing facet is Alan's malevolent counterpart, Scratch, capable of breaching the FBC's confines, posing a significant threat. The FBC faces a daunting task in deciphering the enigmas surrounding the author and the Dark Place. The forthcoming cooperative game is poised to delve into these intricacies surrounding the novelist, offering potential revelations. Alan Wake finds himself entangled in supernatural predicaments, with the FBC standing as his potential savior.

While certain queries demand immediate attention, opportunities for resolution abound, including the two upcoming DLCs for Alan Wake 2 slated for this year and the impending sequel to Control, awaiting a release date.