Why Kingdom Hearts 4 Should Embrace More Final Fantasy Than Disney

Exploring the potential shift towards prioritizing Final Fantasy content over Disney in Kingdom Hearts 4.
Why Kingdom Hearts 4 Should Embrace More Final Fantasy Than Disney


  • Square Enix should reconsider the balance of Disney and Final Fantasy in Kingdom Hearts 4 for more creative opportunities.
  • Integrating Final Fantasy elements can enhance character development for Sora and resonate with the older fanbase.
  • Adapting to evolving audience preferences, Kingdom Hearts 4 needs to refresh its crossover approach to maintain relevance.

The Kingdom Hearts series is renowned for its blend of characters from Final Fantasy and Disney universes. However, the upcoming Kingdom Hearts 4 could benefit from a shift towards emphasizing Final Fantasy over Disney. While Kingdom Hearts 4 may introduce new Disney realms like Star Wars, reducing the reliance on Disney might be a strategic move.

Given Square Enix's ownership of Final Fantasy, it has more freedom to explore innovative ways to incorporate its characters and worlds compared to the constraints posed by Disney's established framework. The previous Kingdom Hearts installment leaned heavily on Disney, but considering the changing entertainment landscape and audience expectations, a recalibration is necessary for Kingdom Hearts 4.

A Shift Towards Final Fantasy for Kingdom Hearts 4

Rethinking Disney's Role in Kingdom Hearts 4

While Disney collaborations have been integral to Kingdom Hearts, their impact has diminished over time. The initial novelty of merging various media franchises in the early 2000s has waned, especially with Disney's evolution post-acquisitions like Marvel and Star Wars. The perception of Disney has transformed into a powerhouse of modern cinema, altering its traditional image.

In Kingdom Hearts 4, a more mature portrayal of Sora could align with the themes prevalent in Final Fantasy narratives. By delving into the deeper, nuanced storytelling of Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts 4 has the potential to engage an older demographic seeking richer content. With the fanbase of Final Fantasy expanding and recent successes like Final Fantasy 16, spotlighting this franchise in Kingdom Hearts 4 could be timely.

While not abandoning Disney entirely, Kingdom Hearts 4 stands to gain by spotlighting the mature themes and diverse characters of the Final Fantasy series, catering to a more evolved audience.