Revamping Hogwarts Legacy Sequel: Enhancing Student Life

Exploring opportunities for significant evolution in the inevitable sequel to Hogwarts Legacy.
Revamping Hogwarts Legacy Sequel: Enhancing Student Life


  • Hogwarts Legacy captures the charm of the Wizarding World but lacks depth and Hogwarts-focused gameplay elements.
  • A sequel could greatly benefit from a House Cup focus, enriching the student life aspect and enhancing the Hogwarts experience.
  • Despite shortcomings, Hogwarts Legacy offers an original wizarding adventure with challenging encounters and a captivating open-world experience.

Hogwarts Legacy presents a captivating and enchanting portrayal of the Wizarding World, standing out among Harry Potter media. The groundwork laid by Hogwarts Legacy opens doors for an even better sequel.

To advance with Hogwarts Legacy 2, Avalanche must prioritize key elements from the first game. For many Harry Potter fans, playing Hogwarts Legacy is a dream come true, immersing them in the life of a Hogwarts student. However, the game can stumble over unnecessary features like repetitive activities and incomplete RPG systems, diluting its essence: Hogwarts itself.

Spotlight on the House Cup for a Game-Changing Sequel

Hogwarts' Role in Hogwarts Legacy

Despite the game's name, Hogwarts feels underused. Much of Hogwarts Legacy's content diverts players from the school to the Scottish Highlands, a beautiful but generic open-world setting. The real magic of Harry Potter lies in Hogwarts, not picturesque landscapes.

Players anticipated a focus on student life in Hogwarts Legacy, akin to games like Bully or Persona. However, the school experience lacks depth: classes lack interactivity, NPCs are static, and the House Cup is a mere formality with no player influence.

Game-ifying Student Life with the House Cup

The sequel can retain the beauty of Hogwarts Legacy while emphasizing academic life. The essence of Harry Potter is the whimsical student experience, not just battles. Hogwarts Legacy 2 could enhance classes, introduce minigames, and tie House Points to performance. Side activities and choices could also impact House Points, fostering a more immersive Hogwarts-centric experience.

By enriching the House Cup element, the sequel can strike a balance between adventure and student life, akin to classic Harry Potter games. This shift in focus would elevate the overall Hogwarts Legacy experience.