Revamping Merlin Trials in Hogwarts Legacy Sequel

Exploring the potential improvements for one of the most controversial side activities in Hogwarts Legacy.
Revamping Merlin Trials in Hogwarts Legacy Sequel


  • Merlin Trials in Hogwarts Legacy offer rewards but lack variety and quantity.
  • Despite criticism, Merlin Trials provide entertainment and rewards, calling for enhancements in a potential sequel.
  • Suggestions for improvement include reducing the number of trials and introducing a wider range of puzzle types.

In the expansive world of Hogwarts Legacy, players can soar through the vast landscapes using magical brooms, discovering an array of collectibles, side quests, and puzzles. One recurring activity, Merlin Trials, presents players with wand-based puzzles to solve using acquired spells.

While initially engaging, Merlin Trials have sparked controversy due to their abundance and lack of variety. Despite this, they offer a welcome break from the game's intense challenges. Looking ahead to a potential Hogwarts Legacy 2, it's essential not to discard Merlin Trials entirely.

Retaining Merlin Trials with Enhancements

Addressing the Issues with Merlin Trials

The main concerns surrounding Merlin Trials in Hogwarts Legacy stem from their sheer quantity and limited diversity. With ninety-five trials but only nine puzzle types, repetition sets in quickly, leading to player fatigue. Achieving the 'Merlin's Beard!' Trophy remains uncommon due to the monotony of these tasks.

Despite the drawbacks, Merlin Trials offer players additional gear slots as rewards, making them worthwhile pursuits. In a potential sequel, these trials should be reworked rather than discarded to enhance player experience.

Enhancing Merlin Trials for the Future

Hogwarts Legacy 2 can elevate the Merlin Trials by introducing more diverse puzzle types and possibly reducing their number. While maintaining a large open-world concept, a broader range of trials would prevent monotony and engage players effectively.

The success of the first game virtually guarantees a sequel, and developers should seize this opportunity to refine the existing features. By refining Merlin Trials, Hogwarts Legacy 2 can strike a balance between familiarity and innovation, ensuring an enriched gaming experience.