Reimagining The Elder Scrolls 6 Magic System

Exploring potential changes in The Elder Scrolls 6 magic system inspired by previous games like Oblivion and Morrowind.
Reimagining The Elder Scrolls 6 Magic System


  • Skyrim's combat improvements contrast with its lacking magic system, prompting a need for innovation in The Elder Scrolls 6.
  • Oblivion and Morrowind's magic systems, allowing greater freedom and creativity, serve as valuable reference points for enhancing The Elder Scrolls 6 magic experience.
  • Proposing a blend of Skyrim's skill trees and the inventive elements of past games to enrich the magic system in The Elder Scrolls 6.

Skyrim introduced various enhancements compared to previous The Elder Scrolls games. The combat mechanics were refined, providing a more immersive and realistic experience despite some simplifications and weapon removals. However, the magic system in Skyrim did not meet the same standards, requiring a reevaluation for The Elder Scrolls 6. While Skyrim can serve as a foundation, there are crucial aspects that can be improved based on the magical systems seen in Oblivion and Morrowind.

Rethinking Skyrim's Magic System

Advantages of Skyrim's Magic System

The character development in Skyrim was revamped, offering a more fluid and adaptable process through skill trees and perks. Each school of magic had its skill tree and associated perks, promoting diverse gameplay.

Limitations of Skyrim's Magic System

In practical terms, magic in Skyrim necessitates a free hand, restricting its use with certain weapon combinations. Moreover, the reduced variety of spells limits the creativity and flexibility observed in Oblivion and Morrowind.

Insights from Previous TES Magic Systems

Oblivion and Morrowind allowed spellcasting with any weapon, enabling unique playstyles and eliminating unnecessary restrictions present in Skyrim. Additionally, the spell creation feature in these games empowered players to craft personalized spells, fostering exploration and enriching the gameplay experience.

Envisioning Magic in The Elder Scrolls 6

Harmonizing TES Magic Systems

The Elder Scrolls 6 could merge the structured magic skill trees from Skyrim with the inventive magic systems of Oblivion and Morrowind to strike a balance between guidance and freedom. Emphasizing character versatility and removing unnecessary magic restrictions can enhance the overall player experience.

Diversifying Spells in TES6

To elevate the magical repertoire, The Elder Scrolls 6 should reintroduce a broader array of spells, drawing inspiration from the distinctive and thematic spells found in Oblivion and Morrowind. Including both practical and whimsical spells can add depth and personality to the game world.