Exploring a New Perspective on Corpse Run Mechanics

A deep dive into Another Crab's Treasure team's innovative approach to blending challenging gameplay with player-friendly elements.
Exploring a New Perspective on Corpse Run Mechanics


  • Understanding the Unique Design of Another Crab's Treasure
  • Retaining the Essence of Soulslike Genre in a New Light
  • Enhancing Accessibility Without Sacrificing Core Mechanics

Another Crab's Treasure embarks on a journey to redefine the Soulslike gaming experience by embracing a whimsical underwater world and a delightful cartoon art style. While the game's unique charm is evident, developer Aggro Crab faced the daunting task of harmonizing accessibility for all player types while upholding the fundamental aspects of a traditional Soulslike adventure. Central to this challenge was the adaptation of some of the genre's notoriously challenging mechanics to cater to a broader audience.

Renowned for its unforgiving difficulty, the Soulslike genre incorporates punishing elements such as the iconic 'corpse run,' where players must retrace their steps to retrieve their lost possessions upon death to avoid permanent loss. Game Rant recently conversed with Caelan Pollock, creative director and narrative lead of Another Crab's Treasure, shedding light on the team's innovative handling of this mechanic and the delicate balance struck between accessibility and the genre's core principles.

Unveiling the Signature 'Corpse Run' Feature in Another Crab's Treasure

Seasoned players are likely familiar with the adrenaline rush of navigating back to their death spot in games like Dark Souls to reclaim their essential Souls before facing another potential demise. Since these resources are pivotal for character progression, the corpse run introduces a crucial element of suspense that both captivates and challenges players. Pollock elaborates on Another Crab's Treasure's implementation:

The absence of this risk-reward dynamic would diminish the Soulslike genre's distinctiveness amidst other action RPGs. It's encouraging to witness Another Crab's Treasure maintaining its Soulslike essence, ensuring even novices can savor an authentic experience.

Redefining Soulslike Mechanics for Accessibility

While Another Crab's Treasure retains the corpse run mechanic, Aggro Crab sought to mitigate other contentious genre features without compromising the quintessence of Soulslike gameplay. By adopting Elden Ring's boss encounter methodology, the game minimizes the arduous journey back to a boss following a failed attempt. Pollock explains:

This strategic choice complements the inclusion of the corpse run, permitting players to engage with this mechanic without severe repercussions during intense battles, such as those against Another Crab's Treasure's formidable bosses. The outcome of this decision is poised to introduce newcomers to the genre's defining mechanics efficiently, without unnecessary time penalties.