Rethinking Gyroids in Animal Crossing for an Enhanced Gameplay Experience

Exploring the untapped potential of Gyroids in Animal Crossing games and how they could become more integral to the player experience.
Rethinking Gyroids in Animal Crossing for an Enhanced Gameplay Experience


  • Gyroids could offer valuable in-game services like plant watering or bug catching to enhance gameplay dynamics.
  • Introducing a dedicated museum space for Gyroids could provide collectors with a new completionist goal and add depth to the game world.
  • By reimagining Gyroids as useful, interactive elements, Nintendo has the opportunity to enrich the gameplay without compromising the series' signature relaxed vibe.

Amidst the plethora of features expanding in the latest Animal Crossing games, one long-standing element has remained largely untapped: Gyroids. Perhaps it's time for a fresh perspective in the upcoming installment.

Present in the series since its inception in 2001, Gyroids are among the quirkiest collectibles in Animal Crossing—clay figurines with hollow faces found underground alongside fossils and pitfall seeds. Despite their unique charm, Gyroids currently serve little purpose beyond their aesthetic appeal and minimal selling value. However, in the next game, they could evolve to play essential roles within the town, akin to Lloid's construction responsibilities in New Horizons.

Giving Gyroids a Meaningful Role Isn't Unprecedented

While useless items have their place in Animal Crossing by contributing to its laid-back atmosphere, there is a history of Gyroids serving practical functions. The original Gyroid outside the player's house in the first game had various utilities, from saving progress to facilitating player communication. Subsequent titles introduced helpful Gyroids like Lloid, who managed public works projects in New Leaf.

Despite this precedent, the unearthed collectible Gyroids lack substantial functionality, despite their distinct designs suggesting potential duties. While NPC Gyroids like Lloid have diverse roles, the collectibles merely serve as animated decorations.

Envisioning a Revamped Role for Gyroids in Future Games

Animal Crossing: New Horizons accentuates player interaction and town customization. Future iterations could leverage this focus by empowering players through Gyroids. By enabling Gyroids to assist with tasks such as tending plants, capturing insects and fish, gathering seashells, or providing storage capabilities when connected, the series could deepen without sacrificing its core gameplay style.

Integrating functional Gyroids into the franchise in a seamless manner could enhance player engagement and enrich the overall Animal Crossing experience while preserving its relaxing, DIY essence.

Proposing a Solution for Excess Gyroids in Future Games

Enhancing Gyroids' utility might limit player agency and clash with their eerie origins, posing a challenge for Japanese developers. To address this, a future Animal Crossing iteration could introduce a designated museum section for Gyroids.

Alternatively, embracing Gyroids' lore could involve a roaming character, akin to Daisy Mae, offering high prices to purchase Gyroids for a sacred resting place. This concept could evolve into a dedicated Gyroid museum, enriching the game world and providing completionists with a new area to explore.

As a beloved symbol of Animal Crossing's unique charm, with references even in Super Smash Bros., Gyroids embody the series' quirky essence. While the future of Gyroids in the upcoming installment remains uncertain, their enduring presence indicates they hold a special place in the heart of Animal Crossing enthusiasts.