Redfall DLC Characters Still Awaited by Players

Gamers continue to question the absence of the expected DLC content from the $100 Bite Back edition of Redfall, a year after the game's underwhelming debut.
Redfall DLC Characters Still Awaited by Players


  • Players express disappointment over missing Redfall DLC despite paying $100 for it.
  • Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer issued a personal apology for Redfall's initial state and pledged improvements.
  • Despite ongoing game updates, players are left dissatisfied due to the absence of promised DLC characters.

Numerous players are eagerly awaiting the Redfall DLC they invested $100 in. Redfall was anticipated as the next major title from renowned developer Arkane Studios. Arkane had gained recognition for games like Dishonored and the more recent Deathloop, both praised for their innovative gameplay mechanics.

The release of Arkane's 2023 title, Redfall, left many gamers disheartened, labeling the game as glitchy and in need of significant improvements. This subpar state of Redfall surprised fans who had grown accustomed to a certain level of excellence from Arkane. Despite the lackluster launch, some players still see promise in Redfall. A few enthusiasts even suggest Redfall as a potential candidate for a Bethesda TV show adaptation, inspired by the success of Amazon's Fallout series.

According to Ethan Gach's coverage on Kotaku, Redfall remains incomplete, causing frustration among players who purchased the $100 Bite Back edition. This exclusive edition of Redfall promised unique skins, weapon enhancements, and early access to two upcoming heroes. Regrettably, these DLC characters have not been introduced yet, fueling disappointment among fans. One player, known as rabbi921, expressed discontent with Redfall and the concept of game preorders as a whole.

Redfall Continues to Lack Content

Microsoft Gaming CEO, Phil Spencer, issued a personal apology for the launch of Redfall, acknowledging his disappointment with the game's outcome. Spencer admitted to design flaws that failed to resonate with the audience but assured a commitment to enhancing Redfall to the best possible standard.

Post-launch, Redfall has undergone updates, including bug fixes and new features like an additional sniper rifle. Arkane remains dedicated to delivering an optimized gaming experience, yet players are still awaiting their anticipated DLC. There is no official update on the timeline for future enhancements or their specifics.

Fans might have to exercise patience for further Redfall updates. Additionally, Arkane Studios is collaborating with Marvel on a new Blade project, hinting at a prolonged wait for Redfall updates. While many gamers hold onto the hope that Redfall will eventually meet expectations, some fans prioritize receiving the complete content they paid for.