Decoding the Enigma of Red Dead Redemption 2's Donkey Lady

Dive into the intriguing tale of the Donkey Lady, a standout mystery in the Red Dead universe with an unexpected backstory.
Decoding the Enigma of Red Dead Redemption 2's Donkey Lady


  • Glitches in Red Dead Redemption games, like the Donkey Lady, have become beloved by fans and have even influenced official in-game content.
  • Originally a glitch in Red Dead Redemption 1, the Donkey Lady now appears as an intriguing Easter egg in Red Dead 2 for players to uncover.
  • The eerie presence of the Donkey Lady, with its unique appearance of a donkey-faced human, adds to the collection of spooky encounters hidden in the Red Dead world.

In the realm of Red Dead Redemption, there are moments that deviate from the expected historical Wild West setting, delving into mysteries and anomalies that defy logic. Amongst the time traveler, ghost train, apparitions, and UFOs that inhabit the Red Dead Redemption world, one enigma that captures attention is the Donkey Lady.

The Donkey Lady is a well-known secret among players of both Red Dead 1 and 2. Despite the name hinting at a presence in Red Dead Redemption 1's Undead Nightmare, this peculiar character is actually found in the base game. Similar to the vampire in Saint-Denis and the ghost woman in Emerald Ranch, encountering the Donkey Lady requires players to seek out a specific location, adding to the mystique surrounding this unusual figure.

Unveiling the Mystery of the Donkey Lady in Red Dead Redemption

The Origins Behind the Donkey Lady Phenomenon

Originally an unintended addition to the Red Dead Redemption world, the Donkey Lady first appeared in Red Dead Redemption 1 as a glitch, not a deliberate creation by the developers. Despite its unintentional origins, the character gained fame due to players stumbling upon it accidentally, becoming a legend within the community. The Donkey Lady could often be spotted in Mexico, usually on the outskirts of Perdido, featuring the body of a typical female NPC but with a donkey's face. Players could even mount and ride this NPC, mimicking the actions of a regular donkey. The character emitted donkey sounds and exhibited body animations akin to other animals in the game.

The Enduring Legacy of the Donkey Lady

Notable fan-discovered glitches in Red Dead include:

  • The Cougar Man
  • The Bird Men
  • The Donkey Lady

While the flying 'bird' men may not have received a direct nod in Red Dead Redemption 2, the Donkey Lady and the Cougar Man were officially reintroduced in the sequel. In Red Dead 2, players can find the Donkey Lady's remains in Cholla Springs, New Austin, positioned near a mill. Preserved in an undead state, the character's horse-like head atop a human body stands as a haunting sight.

Now ingrained in the official Red Dead narrative, the reappearance of the Donkey Lady prompts speculation about other hidden secrets. The reactions of Arthur Morgan and John Marston upon encountering the remains in Red Dead 2 convey a mix of confusion and horror, hinting at a belief in the creature's possible existence. The evolution of a simple glitch into a tangible in-game Easter egg is a thrilling prospect, likely to inspire fans to hunt for more undiscovered anomalies that could influence future Rockstar games.