Eagle-Eyed Fan Discovers a Familiar Voice in GTA San Andreas

A keen-eyed Red Dead Redemption player has noticed a familiar voice actor in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, an older Rockstar game.
Eagle-Eyed Fan Discovers a Familiar Voice in GTA San Andreas


  • A fan recently identified Benjamin Byron Davis, known for his role in Red Dead Redemption 2, in a minor part in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.
  • Davis lent his voice to a random NPC pedestrian and recorded lines for a radio commercial in San Andreas.
  • This revelation sheds light on the often underappreciated contributions of actors to video games, where they frequently take on roles both big and small across different titles.

A sharp-eyed Red Dead Redemption 2 player has spotted the work of Benjamin Byron Davis, the actor behind Dutch van der Linde, in another Rockstar game: Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. In this older game, Davis took on a less prominent role, showcasing the versatility of voice actors across different titles.

It's not uncommon for actors to take on various roles across multiple games, with top-billed actors occasionally appearing in minor capacities in other titles. This recent discovery is just another example of this trend, as a key figure from the Red Dead Redemption 2 cast was unexpectedly found in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.

Reddit user Funny_Mongoose_9680 picked up on the voice of Dutch van der Linde, a beloved character from Red Dead Redemption 2, while playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. The user was surprised to hear Dutch's voice seemingly emanating from a random NPC pedestrian. Seeking confirmation, Funny_Mongoose_9680 turned to the Red Dead Redemption subreddit to verify if the NPC's voice indeed belonged to Benjamin Byron Davis, who portrayed Dutch in the Red Dead Redemption series.

Swift responses from other users on the subreddit confirmed through Davis' IMDB page that the actor was indeed part of the voice cast for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. However, rather than voicing one of the game's named characters, Davis assumed a much more commonplace role. According to IMDB, Benjamin Byron Davis contributed voice lines for one of the game's radio commercials and pedestrian NPCs. While this doesn't definitively confirm that the specific NPC's lines were delivered by Davis, the evidence strongly suggests that Funny_Mongoose_9680 did indeed hear his voice.

Actors often record voice lines under the