Rebuilding Sacrament in No Rest for the Wicked

Embark on a challenging journey to reconstruct Sacrament, requiring dedication and resources to fulfill.
Rebuilding Sacrament in No Rest for the Wicked


  • Engaging souls-like combat system intertwined with traditional RPG elements
  • Meet key characters like Roan and the Watcher to progress the storyline
  • Complete various building projects with unique resource requirements

Prepare for the Challenge offers a captivating blend of combat mechanics inspired by souls-like games, alongside a conventional RPG structure with segmented objectives. Delve into a world filled with main quests and optional tasks, including the monumental task of reconstructing the city of Sacrament. To initiate the town's revival, players must first accomplish the pivotal “Sacrament” quest, unlocking opportunities to rebuild and unveil shortcuts akin to deploying ladders.

Exploring Sacrament's Reconstruction Projects

As the narrative unfolds, encounters with Roan and the Watcher pave the way for a cinematic sequence introducing Seline. Following this event, players resume control of their character, freshly arisen from rest. Look out for the completion signal for the “Sacrament” quest to signify the beginning of the reconstruction phase.

Exit the room and encounter Maker Danos just outside, engaging in dialogue to unveil the extensive rebuilding prospects awaiting. Journey to the town square and converse with Maker Danos, opting for the “Building Projects” selection to initiate the process.

Each project features a distinct duration for completion, visibly indicated under “Time Needed,” accompanied by varying resource prerequisites. While some ventures conclude as Completed Projects, others demand multiple tiers for fulfillment.