5 Rebalanced Video Game Bosses

These challenging video game bosses were rebalanced to provide a more enjoyable gaming experience.
5 Rebalanced Video Game Bosses


  • Developers often rebalance game bosses to prevent players from feeling overwhelmed and frustrated.
  • Absolute Virtue in Final Fantasy 11 and Hephaistos in Final Fantasy 14 were among the bosses adjusted due to their extreme difficulty.
  • Balteus in Armored Core 6 and Simon Manus in Lies of P were rebalanced to provide a more engaging and less frustrating gameplay experience.

Video game bosses are designed to test players' skills and provide a memorable challenge. However, some bosses prove to be excessively difficult, leading developers to rebalance them and ensure a more enjoyable gaming experience.

1 Absolute Virtue

Final Fantasy 11

Absolute Virtue, a notorious boss in Final Fantasy 11, posed an insurmountable challenge to even the most dedicated players. This led to significant controversy and prompted Square Enix to rebalance the encounter, ensuring a healthier gaming experience for players.

2 Balteus

Armored Core 6

Balteus, a challenging boss in Armored Core 6, initially forced players to adapt their strategies. However, the subsequent rebalance by the studio aimed to provide a more consistent and rewarding gameplay experience.

3 Starscourge Radahn

Elden Ring

Starscourge Radahn in Elden Ring presented a formidable challenge to players, prompting adjustments to enhance the fairness of the encounter and maintain the game's integrity.

4 Simon Manus, Awakened God

Lies Of P

Simon Manus, an intense boss in Lies of P, underwent rebalancing to alleviate the excessive difficulty, ensuring a more enjoyable and less frustrating gameplay experience for players.

5 Hephaistos

Final Fantasy 14

Hephaistos in Final Fantasy 14 originally presented a substantial challenge to players, leading to necessary adjustments to ensure a balanced and enjoyable gameplay experience.