Realms Unchained: Mastering the Art of Realm Switching

Discover the seamless process of switching realms in No Rest for the Wicked.
Realms Unchained: Mastering the Art of Realm Switching


  • Creating and navigating through new realms is a breeze in No Rest for the Wicked.
  • Characters retain their inventory when transitioning between realms, fostering resource gathering and leveling up.
  • Each character in the game can visit all previously created realms independently, maintaining their unique inventory.

No Rest for the Wicked provides players with the ability to effortlessly generate and transition between multiple realms. These realms offer unexplored territories rich in resources and formidable adversaries, creating endless opportunities for adventure.

While the process may seem daunting at first, mastering realm switching is key to maximizing your gameplay experience. Let's delve into the intricacies of how to seamlessly navigate between realms in No Rest for the Wicked.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Realm Switching

The journey to a new realm begins with its creation. Upon embarking on your adventure, a default realm awaits. To forge a new realm, access the main menu either at the game's launch or by departing from the default realm. To exit a realm, simply press TAB on PC or Start on an Xbox Controller and navigate to the rightmost icon. Opt for ' Quit to Main Menu' when prompted.

Within the 'Realms' section under 'Continue,' the option to spawn a new realm beckons. By selecting the + icon adjacent to the default realm, a new realm can be birthed. Name your realm and preserve it. Subsequently, choose the freshly minted realm for entry, where you'll find yourself on its inaugural beach with your current character. All your character's possessions, from consumables to quest items, seamlessly transition to the new realm. The only exclusion is the realm's progress, which resets independently for each realm, offering a fresh start and an efficient resource and experience farming method.

To introduce a new character into the mix, utilize the + icon next to the character portrait on the main menu. Each character can traverse through all previously established realms, maintaining their distinct inventory. The realm's difficulty remains consistent with its progression, unaffected by the visiting characters' levels. This ensures a challenging and engaging experience regardless of the character's prowess.