Taking Down Zombies in Resident Evil 2 (2019)

Discover effective methods to eliminate zombies in Resident Evil 2 with Leon and Claire
Taking Down Zombies in Resident Evil 2 (2019)


  • The combat in Resident Evil 2 offers responsive and destructive weapons, providing exhilarating encounters with zombies.
  • A well-aimed shotgun blast can dismember zombies, resulting in a gory and satisfying elimination.
  • Utilize the environment, such as flowing water in sewers, to dispatch zombies and conserve ammo.

Capcom's 2019 remake of Resident Evil 2 exceeded expectations, delivering an exceptional gaming experience with enhanced combat against the undead.

The weaponry in Resident Evil 2 is impressively responsive and devastating, offering a visceral gore system that adds intensity to encounters with zombies. Whether it involves disabling their limbs or obliterating them with heavy artillery, the confrontations with these nightmarish creatures are among the most thrilling in the entire series.

1 Eradicate Zombies with a Well-Placed Shotgun Blast

Use the Shotgun to Deliver Lethal Headshots

Exclusive to Leon's campaign, the shotgun, found in the Safety Deposit Room, is pivotal in dismembering the undead due to the game's remarkable gore system. A precisely aimed shotgun blast can elegantly eliminate zombies in a cascade of blood and destruction, making it a crucial tactic in Leon's campaign.

2 Disable Zombies with Kneecap Shots and the Knife

Employ the Classic Zombie Killing Strategy

A classic yet effective strategy involves targeting a zombie's legs to incapacitate them, followed by using the knife to eliminate them permanently. This proven method, dating back to the original game, remains a simple yet highly efficient approach to conserving ammo and managing the relentless zombie horde.

3 Incinerate Zombies with Fire-Based Weapons

Utilize Flamethrowers and Grenade Launchers

Claire and Leon have access to fire-based weaponry, such as the flamethrower and grenade launcher, offering effective ways to engulf zombies in flames. The flamethrower, obtainable by Leon, and the grenade launcher, found by Claire, provide exhilarating methods to incinerate the undead, contributing to their survival in Raccoon City.