Unveiling the Best and Worst New Talents in Ravenswatch

Exploring Ravenswatch's recent major update where each character received a new Talent, some proving more valuable than others.
Unveiling the Best and Worst New Talents in Ravenswatch


  • Snow Queen's Snowball talent offers crowd control but lacks priority among Ravenswatch players.
  • Geppetto benefits from Explosive Builds, enhancing combat damage with AOE explosions.
  • Aladdin's Shard Blades talent empowers auto attacks for a formidable gameplay experience in Ravenswatch.

Ravenswatch, a creation by Passtech Games (known for Curse Of The Dead Gods), brings an isometric action rogue-like with a distinctive visual style. Presently in Early Access, the game draws inspiration from ancient legends and folklore, crafting a vibrant and exceptional world with engaging gameplay mechanics that set it apart.

The latest update for Ravenswatch introduces a significant expansion, including a much-anticipated third chapter, a reroll system, and a range of new talents for players to explore. While only eight new standard talents have been added, one for each playable character in Ravenswatch, each talent contributes valuable diversity to the gameplay.

8 Snowball

Snow Queen's New Talent

The formidable Snow Queen boasts numerous potent abilities, with the new Snowball talent being a valuable addition to her arsenal. This talent allows her power ability to generate a rolling snowball that inflicts damage and freezes enemies in its path. Despite aiding in crowd control and enemy chilling, prioritizing this talent may not be crucial for players.

7 Explosive Builds

Geppetto's New Talent

Geppetto faces a challenging start in battles as most of his damage hinges on his trait. The new talent, Explosive Builds, rewards Geppetto for strategically placing his autonomous dummies to create explosive AOE effects during combat. While not revolutionary, this talent pairs exceptionally well with abilities like Large Family.

6 Shard Blades

Aladdin's New Talent

Aladdin presents a learning curve, especially with his Enchanted Blades ability disrupting auto attacks. However, the new Shard Blades talent enhances the power of Enchanted Blades, amplifying the range and damage of Aladdin's auto attacks based on accumulated Enchantment points.
