A Comprehensive Ranking of Ranged Weapons in Dark Souls 3

Exploring the world of ranged combat in Dark Souls 3 through a variety of weapons and their unique strengths.
A Comprehensive Ranking of Ranged Weapons in Dark Souls 3


  • Discover the diverse ranged attack options in Dark Souls 3, including spells, consumables, and various types of bows and crossbows.
  • Learn which ranged weapons suit different combat styles: bows for fast engagements, greatbows for long-range precision, and crossbows for quick, close-quarters damage.
  • Uncover the hidden potential of underrated ranged weapons like the Knight's Crossbow, Short Bow, and Light Crossbow in specific gameplay scenarios.

Engaging in ranged combat in Dark Souls 3 presents players with a range of options. They can wield powerful spells, use throwable consumables, or opt for physical weapons such as regular bows, greatbows, and crossbows. These weapons cater to builds that don't focus on sorceries, pyromancies, or miracles.

Each weapon class has distinct advantages tailored to different situations: bows excel in fast, versatile combat, greatbows are ideal for long-range devastation, and crossbows shine in close-range rapid strikes. The top weapons in each category strike a balance between power, speed, and range, setting them apart from less effective alternatives.

Updated on March 29, 2024, by Ritwik Mitra: Dark Souls 3, a beloved action RPG, returned with Miyazaki at the helm, offering epic boss battles and a dark storyline. Ranged weapons like bows, greatbows, and crossbows are often overlooked but can be rewarding when mastered, adding a new dimension to combat in the game.

17 Knight's Crossbow

Skill: Tackle

Despite lacking stat scaling, the Knight's Crossbow offers lightning damage, making it a solid choice for shooting Lightning Bolts. While not the most potent ranged weapon, it can pleasantly surprise players who give it a chance.

16 Short Bow

Skill: Rapid Fire

The Short Bow may seem weak compared to past iterations, but its agility allows skilled players to dispatch foes effectively. A hit-and-run strategy can make even daunting bosses manageable with this bow.

15 Light Crossbow

Skill: Tackle

Often underestimated, the Light Crossbow's quick shots and low stamina consumption make it a hidden gem for low-level builds. While other options may shine in specialized builds, this crossbow remains effective against various foes.

14 Longbow

Skill: Puncture

The Longbow, with its Puncture skill, is a reliable choice for players stocked with arrows. Its ability to break through enemy defenses makes it a practical and functional option for many combat scenarios.

Located near the first bonfire of the High Wall of Lothric, this bow is easily accessible to players seeking a dependable ranged weapon.

13 Dragonrider Bow

Skill: Puncture

Referencing a boss from a previous game, the Dragonrider Bow boasts significant physical attack power. However, its weight and limited scaling make it suitable primarily for specific build types.

Players can discover this bow in the Smouldering Lake area, adding a formidable ranged option to their arsenal.

12 Sniper Crossbow

Skill: Tackle

Combining range and power, the Sniper Crossbow offers players a versatile option for dealing significant damage. Its unique features, like free aiming and headshot bonuses, make it a formidable choice in various situations.

Located atop the gatehouse in Lothric Castle, this crossbow awaits those seeking a balance of precision and impact in their ranged attacks.

11 Arbalest

Skill: Tackle

The Arbalest stands out as a powerful Crossbow, delivering devastating single-shot attacks. Ideal for Strength builds, this weapon offers substantial physical damage output, making it a reliable choice for close-quarters engagements.

Players can acquire the Arbalest in the Cathedral of the Deep, providing a potent option for those favoring strength-based combat strategies.