Insights from Rainbow Six Siege's Director on the Game's Evolution

Alexander Karpazis, Director of Rainbow Six Siege, shares thoughts on the game's future and the possibility of a sequel.
Insights from Rainbow Six Siege's Director on the Game's Evolution


  • Ubisoft is committed to the longevity of Rainbow Six Siege, focusing on regular updates and fresh content to engage players.
  • Game Director Alexander Karpazis dismisses the idea of a sequel or engine overhaul, highlighting potential drawbacks and the value of continuity.
  • Ubisoft's dedication to stability and continuous updates has enhanced the Siege experience, with frequent new content releases.

Alexander Karpazis, at the helm of Rainbow Six Siege, unveils Ubisoft's vision for the immensely popular online shooter, affirming a bright future for the game. Approaching its 9th anniversary this year, Rainbow Six Siege has traversed a significant journey from its troubled inception marked by technical glitches, content scarcity, and a struggle to attract a substantial player base. Yet, Ubisoft persisted with the title, resulting in sustained player engagement over the years, with a fresh season on the horizon.

Functioning as a live service game, Rainbow Six Siege receives regular updates, ranging from major improvements to fresh content and operators. The operator pool continues to expand, introducing diverse abilities and gadgets to maintain match intrigue. Additionally, Ubisoft revisits older maps to enhance gameplay. The implementation of Ubisoft's anti-cheat system, MouseTrap, effectively eliminates cheaters, ensuring fair play. Despite its 9-year legacy, fans are curious about what lies ahead.

In a recent PC Gamer interview, Rainbow Six Siege director Alexander Karpazis addressed inquiries about a potential sequel due to the aging game engine. Surprisingly, the studio has no intentions to replace Rainbow Six Siege. Karpazis reiterates the superiority of Ubisoft's Anvil Engine for managing live service PvP games, with ongoing enhancements by the Anvil pipeline team to expedite content delivery and boost stability. Notably, the game has evolved into a more stable and less buggy state compared to its early years, thanks to essential updates and initiatives like Operation Health in 2017.

The Future of Rainbow Six Siege

Karpazis firmly asserts that a sequel is unwarranted and risky, cautioning against potential issues and unnecessary disruptions to a well-functioning system. Past instances, such as the challenges faced by Overwatch 2, serve as cautionary tales of sequels impacting player experience negatively. The Siege team believes in the game's enduring potential with current resources, advocating for continued seasonal content drops every few months.

Meanwhile, Ubisoft has unveiled details about the upcoming major update, Year 9 Season 1, for Rainbow Six Siege. Notably, the new playable character, Deimos, armed with the DeathMARK Tracker gadget and .44 Vendetta revolver, is set to make a significant impact. Each season brings fresh content, alongside updates and balance adjustments, such as a substantial revision to the Japanese defender Azami and her Kiba Barrier gadget.