Ragna Crimson: The Most Formidable Dragons Revealed

Delve into the world of Ragna Crimson to uncover the top-tier dragons that dominate the series.
Ragna Crimson: The Most Formidable Dragons Revealed


  • Explore a realm where dragons reign supreme, with Ragna fighting to protect his loved ones from their fury.
  • Encounter Bagram, a reality-shaping dragon, and witness his unparalleled power through spoken words.
  • Meet Woltekamui, a dragon of incredible strength and speed, showcasing a thirst for dominance in battle.

Ragna Crimson immerses viewers in a universe ruled by immensely potent dragons. Unfortunately for humans, these creatures stand as their greatest adversaries, wreaking havoc on the planet.

The storyline tracks Ragna, initially portrayed as an incompetent, exceptionally unlucky dragon hunter. After losing countless loved ones to the dragons, Ragna is determined to save his companion Leonica from a similar fate. Through time-travel twists, he gains new abilities from his future self and forms a bond with Crimson, a dragon on a mission to eradicate her kind from the world. The series is a thrilling rollercoaster ride, teeming with exceptionally powerful dragons to uncover.

5 Bagram

Possessing a Terrifying Reality-Altering Gift

  • Affiliation: The Bloodline of Roars
  • Classification: Dragon Monarch

Residing within the Gehenna Hole, Bagram reigns as the Roars Monarch. Leading the Bloodline of Roars, he wields a formidable power to reshape reality through speech.

Known as the Truth Dragon, Bagram can bring anything he articulates into existence. This boundless power allows him to manipulate reality to his advantage, posing a nearly insurmountable challenge for others. While his other abilities may not be extraordinary among Monarchs, his reality-altering prowess alone makes him one of the series' most menacing characters.

4 Borgius

An Ancient Dragon with Mystical Abilities

  • Affiliation: The Winged Bloodline
  • Classification: Superior Dragon

Borgius stands as the eldest dragon in the series, sustaining himself by parasitically inhabiting human bodies. This trait enhances his threat level, enabling him to blend seamlessly among humans for extended periods.

Besides his possession capabilities, Borgius excels in supernatural arts, particularly spatial and forest magic. Coupled with his intellect and invulnerability as a Superior Dragon, Borgius remains a formidable threat despite his advanced age and peculiar physical condition. Despite his prowess, Borgius ranks seventh in the Winged Bloodline, rumored to have consumed the blood of over half a million humans.

3 Kou Tenran

Wielding Nation-Destroying Might

  • Affiliation: The Bloodline of Scales
  • Classification: Dragon Monarch

Known as the Monarch of Scales, Kou Tenran emerges as the mightiest dragon in the Scales Bloodline, notorious for its danger in Japan.

Demonstrating her incredible power, Kou Tenran unleashes a devastating laser beam globally to strike the Sun Cult. Despite the vast distance, the attack remains immensely destructive. Furthermore, she claims the ability to obliterate entire nations from across the world during conflicts. With her destructive capabilities and volatile temperament, Kou Tenran stands as one of the most formidable characters in the Ragna Crimson universe.

2 Woltekamui

A Fierce and Swift Adversary

  • Affiliation: The Winged Bloodline
  • Classification: Superior Dragon

Woltekamui, a prominent figure in the Winged Bloodline, possesses exceptionally high mana levels, making him a feared presence among dragons.

Renowned for his abnormal strength, The Lightning Claw Dragon's aggressive and overconfident demeanor underscores his power-centric ethos, prioritizing dominance above all else. Born as a demi-human, Woltekamui showcased Superior Dragon-level might early in life, establishing himself as a formidable entity in the series. Additionally, he ranks among the fastest dragons, wielding the formidable Thunder Claw, a potent weapon crafted by the Claws Bloodline Monarch.

1 Gilzea

A Dominant Force Seeking Devoted Followers

  • Affiliation: The Clawed Bloodline
  • Classification: Dragon Monarch

Gilzea, the formidable Dragon Monarch of the Clawed Bloodline, reigns as the most formidable dragon in the series. Her immense power is matched only by her self-assured demeanor.

Surprisingly disinterested in the ongoing conflict between dragons and humanity, Gilzea focuses on recruiting and training loyal followers. Despite her indifference to human wars, her shadow looms large as she seeks worthy disciples. As one of the deadliest dragons, Gilzea, with her magic-inverting abilities, epitomizes the extravagant power levels depicted in Ragna Crimson.
