A Faceoff: Super Princess Peach vs. Princess Peach: Showtime

Exploring the similarities and differences between Princess Peach's leading roles in Super Princess Peach and Princess Peach: Showtime.
A Faceoff: Super Princess Peach vs. Princess Peach: Showtime


  • Super Princess Peach and Princess Peach: Showtime offer unique adventures within the Mario universe.
  • Princess Peach: Showtime introduces new mechanics like multiple transformations and a theater setting, building on Super Princess Peach's foundation.
  • The game stands out by featuring new NPC allies, original villains, and a theater-themed aesthetic, setting itself apart from traditional Mario games.

Princess Peach, a renowned gaming princess, takes the spotlight in two distinct games: Super Princess Peach and the latest, Princess Peach: Showtime. While both games share platformer roots in the Mario universe, they offer unique experiences for the princess. Princess Peach: Showtime clearly evolves from the groundwork laid by Super Princess Peach.

The first game, Super Princess Peach, launched in 2006 for the Nintendo DS, staying true to the classic Mario platformer style. It featured Peach's sidekick, Perry the umbrella, and her vibe powers. Fast forward to Princess Peach: Showtime, where Peach embarks on a fresh adventure that, although different, retains elements from the mainline Mario series and Super Princess Peach.

Enhancements in Princess Peach: Showtime's Gameplay

Super Princess Peach introduced Peach's vibe powers, enhancing traditional gameplay with abilities like Joy, Rage, Gloom, and Calm. On the other hand, Princess Peach: Showtime expands Peach's skill set with a myriad of transformations set in Sparkle Theater. While Peach can access 10 primary forms like Swordfighter and Mermaid, each is specific to certain stages, reminiscent of Super Princess Peach's vibe system.

A Fresh Setting for Princess Peach: Showtime

Super Princess Peach and Princess Peach: Showtime diverge notably in their settings. The former follows standard Mario themes, while the latter immerses players in a theater-themed world. Each level in Princess Peach: Showtime represents a unique play, crafting a distinctive universe within the Mario realm.

Unlike Super Princess Peach, which features familiar Mario foes, Princess Peach: Showtime introduces new characters like Theets and Grape, the original antagonists of Sparkle Theater. Moreover, while the plot of Super Princess Peach revolves around Bowser's capture of Mario and Luigi, Princess Peach: Showtime unfolds independently, allowing Peach to shine in her own standalone narrative.