Princess Peach: Showtime - The Stolen Statue - Sparkle Gem & Ribboner Locations Guide

Discover where to find all the Sparkle Gems and collectibles in The Stolen Statue play of Princess Peach: Showtime.
Princess Peach: Showtime - The Stolen Statue - Sparkle Gem & Ribboner Locations Guide


  • Learn the locations of all seven Sparkle Gems in The Stolen Statue play.
  • Find the Ribboner to obtain the Dashing Thief Ribbon for Stella.
  • Uncover the hidden Hide and Seek Theets scattered throughout the play.

The initial Dashing Thief performance in Princess Peach: Showtime unfolds on the second floor of Sparkle Theater. However, accessing the second Dashing Thief Peach act necessitates defeating Purrjector Cat and gaining entry to the fourth floor.

Navigating Dashing Thief plays can prove challenging, especially when aiming to secure all collectibles. In The Stolen Statue play, gamers can seek out seven Sparkle Gems along with the elusive Ribboner. For those who have completed the game, there are also three Hide and Seek Theets awaiting discovery. This guide details how to locate every item.

The Stolen Statue Sparkle Gem Locations

Here are the whereabouts of each Sparkle Gem in The Stolen Statue play:

Sparkle Gem 1

During the plane chase scene, players can secure the first Sparkle Gem by leaping onto the lower plane and then using the hookshot to return to safety.

Sparkle Gem 2

To obtain the second Sparkle Gem, players must gather all eight Sparkle Gem fragments after reaching the green pipe. Temporarily deactivating security drones by hookshotting them can aid in this endeavor.

Sparkle Gem 3

In the subsequent area, players can evade security drones by utilizing the hookshot. Upon reaching the area's end, the Sparkle Gem will be within reach.

Sparkle Gem 4

Exiting the building, players can access the secret underground region by crouching under the vent to the left of the exit door. Utilizing the hook is essential to acquire the Sparkle Gem here.

Sparkle Gem 5

While outside the blimp, Peach will be ensnared, and security planes will commence an assault. Players must dodge incoming fire and utilize the hookshot to reach the next Sparkle Gem on the left.

If players plummet to their demise, Peach will respawn, and as long as they touch the gem, it will be logged as collected.

Sparkle Gem 6

Persistent hookshot usage will lead players back into the blimp. Upon breaching the window, Dashing Thief Peach will lay claim to the sixth Sparkle Gem.

Sparkle Gem 7

Upon securing the statue, players must flee the blimp. Opting for the upper route is imperative as the seventh Sparkle Gem is nestled there.

Other Collectibles

This section reveals the locations of the Ribboner and the concealed Theets in The Stolen Statue play of Princess Peach: Showtime.

Ribboner Location

After the initial plane segment, players should venture left upon entering the blimp to aid the misplaced Ribboner by unlocking the lock. In gratitude, the Ribboner bestows the Dashing Thief Ribbon for Stella upon the players.

Hide and Seek Theet Locations

Unveiling the hidden Theets in The Stolen Statue play requires exploration in the following areas:

  • Search behind the spawn point.
  • Post-plane segment, upon disabling the lights, head left instead of right after using the hookshot on the blue hook.
  • During the escape, after obtaining the final Sparkle Gem, players can encounter the Hide and Seek Theet directly ahead of the lower escape route.