Princess Peach: Ninja Peach Play - Ninjutsu: Art of Flames Collectibles

Discover the locations of all the hidden gems and characters in the Ninjutsu: Art of Flames play within Princess Peach: Showtime.
Princess Peach: Ninja Peach Play - Ninjutsu: Art of Flames Collectibles


  • Uncover all Sparkle Gem locations in Ninjutsu: The Art of Flames
  • Rescue Ribboner and find all Theets in the play
  • Master the strategies to collect all hidden items

As players embark on the adventure of Princess Peach: Showtime, they will encounter various character disguises, including Patissiere Peach, Swordfighter Peach, Cowgirl Peach, and Ninja Peach. Although the Ninja attire may captivate many fans, accessing another Ninja Peach play requires reaching the fourth floor of Sparkle Theater.

This guide is your key to acquiring every collectible in Ninjutsu: The Art of Flames, the second Ninja Peach play in Princess Peach: Showtime. It unravels the locations of the seven Sparkle Gems, the three elusive Theets, and the NPC, Ribboner.

Ninjutsu: The Art of Flames Sparkle Gem Locations

Here's how to find the Sparkle Gems hidden in Ninjutsu: The Art of Flames:

Sparkle Gem 1

In the second area of the play, eliminate the guard eavesdropping and strike a pose in the room's center to unveil a concealed area. From there, players can ascend by wall jumping on the left and descending on the right to reach the Sparkle Gem.

Sparkle Gem 2

By diverting the guards' attention using rattling objects, players can dispatch them and free Theet to obtain the second Sparkle Gem.

Sparkle Gem 3

Located in the play's third area, after rescuing Theet, proceed to the next room. To acquire the third Sparkle Gem, players must utilize the second rotating wall, jump onto the red cabinet, reach the left roof, and collect the gem above the initial entry point before continuing to the right.

Sparkle Gem 4

The fourth Sparkle Gem awaits just ahead, with its shadow visible behind a wall. By manipulating the left wall to expose the gem and exiting through the right wall, players can secure it before progressing.

Sparkle Gem 5

To bypass the guards and claim the fifth Sparkle Gem, players must blend with the wall, waiting for the guard's lantern to turn away before striking swiftly to seize the gem.

Strike before the guard realigns to avoid detection and obtain the Sparkle Gem.

Sparkle Gem 6

During the auto-run segment, players must time their jumps between two large wheels carefully to secure the sixth Sparkle Gem without the chance to backtrack.

Sparkle Gem 7

To uncover the final Sparkle Gem, players must collect all gem fragments during the concluding auto-run section.

Other Collectibles

Discover additional collectibles in Ninjutsu: The Art of Flames:

Ribboner Location

After obtaining the fifth Sparkle Gem, manipulate the wall to access the building. Wall jump on the left to reach a platform on the right, then leap back left to discover a secluded room where Ribboner is captive. Defeat the guard, free Ribboner, and claim the Ninja Ribbon for Stella.

Hide and Seek Theet Locations

Locate the three hidden Theets in Ninjutsu: The Art of Flames:

  • Near the play's starting area before ascending the stairs
  • Behind the first sentinel upstairs in the play
  • In the second room of the second area, to the left of the imprisoned Theet