Valve Should Consider an Official Prequel Game for Portal Revolution's Success

Exploring the potential for a prequel game in the Portal universe amidst the popularity of Portal Revolution.
Valve Should Consider an Official Prequel Game for Portal Revolution's Success


  • Valve's embrace of fan-made mods has led to successful games, showing potential for an official prequel game.
  • Previous Portal prequel mods like Portal Stories: Mel have been well-received, indicating a demand for more exploration of Aperture Science's history.
  • An official Portal prequel game could delve into Aperture Science's past, detailing the creation of the portal gun and exploring the rich history teased throughout Portal 2.

After the much-anticipated release of the Portal 2 mod, Portal Revolution, there is a growing interest in delving deeper into Aperture Science's history. This has sparked discussions about the potential for Valve to create an official prequel game. While fan-made mods are common in popular games, the success of Portal Revolution highlights the strong desire for more Portal games, even years after the release of Portal 2.

The uncertainty surrounding the direction of Portal 3 has led to considerations for an official prequel, especially with Valve's exploration of the larger Half-Life universe through games like Half-Life: Alyx and Aperture Desk Job. Given the indecisive comments about a sequel and Valve's ongoing projects, the possibility of an official prequel gains traction.

Valve's History of Embracing Unofficial Mods

Valve's Support for Fan-Made Content

Valve stands out for its support of fan-made content, evident in the success of games like Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and The Stanley Parable. The commercial release of mods such as Black Mesa showcases Valve's willingness to elevate fan-made projects, a trend that could extend to mods like Portal Revolution.

Previous Portal Prequels and Their Reception

Before Portal Revolution, Portal Stories: Mel also explored Aperture Science's history and was well-received. The existence of such prequel mods signals a demand for more exploration of Aperture Science's rich lore, laying the groundwork for a potential official prequel game.

Exploring Aperture Science's Past in Detail

An official Portal prequel has the opportunity to delve into Aperture Science's past, shedding light on the creation of the portal gun and the intriguing history teased throughout Portal 2. By building on the success of Portal Stories: Mel, the game could explore the development of the portal gun, the significance of testing portals, and the potential future of these tests, setting the stage for a potential Portal 3.