The Most Beloved Metal Gear Fan Theories

Exploring the imaginative fan theories of the intricate Metal Gear franchise.
The Most Beloved Metal Gear Fan Theories


  • Fans have come up with various intriguing theories regarding the Metal Gear series.
  • Hideo Kojima's unpredictable storytelling has inspired fans to uncover hidden story threads.
  • We delve into some of the most popular fan theories circulating within the Metal Gear community.

The Metal Gear saga has its fair share of intellectual depth, from prophetic views of the internet to quirky characters like the vampire-like and bisexual Vamp. Hideo Kojima, the series creator, delighted in toying with fan expectations, such as the sneaky reveal of 'Moby Dick Studios' as the developer of 'The Phantom Pain,' leading fans to draw their own conclusions and develop various theories about the series.

9 Quiet is Sniper Wolf’s Mother

The Two Snipers are Related

  • The two are similarly skilled at sniping.
  • Sniper Wolf comes from the same continent as Quiet's last known whereabouts.

One captivating theory suggests that Quiet, the expert sniper from Metal Gear Solid 5, may be the mother of Sniper Wolf from Metal Gear Solid. This intriguing connection raises questions about their shared skills and geographical origins, fueling speculation about their potential relationship.

8 Chico is Quiet

Chico Survived and Transitioned to Get Revenge

  • They have vaguely similar facial features.
  • Kojima Productions previously planned to bring Chico back in a role similar to that of Quiet's.

The enigmatic idea of Chico, a character from Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, transitioning into Quiet, sets the stage for a compelling narrative about revenge and transformation. Although this theory was swiftly debunked, it sparked conversations about representation and the potential for nuanced character arcs within the series.

7 The Twins Snakes is Otacon’s Recollection of Events

The Gamecube Remake is How Otacon Remembers Metal Gear Solid 1

  • There are different items in the Remake compared to the original, and later games include both.
  • Otacon's excitement at Snake's recollection of his stunts.

Fans have contemplated the idea that Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, a remake for the Gamecube, represents the selective recollection of events by Otacon. This theory adds depth to the game's narrative and offers a unique perspective on the character's emotional investment in Snake's adventures.

6 Solidus Snake and Senator Armstrong Knew Each Other

Armstrong May Have Been Solidus' Protégé

  • The two served as politicians with similar goals.
  • Armstrong's plan involves child soldiers trained with Solidus Snake's methods.

Speculation about the relationship between Solidus Snake and Senator Armstrong has led fans to consider intriguing possibilities, such as Armstrong being mentored by Solidus. Exploring this dynamic adds a layer of complexity to the characters' motivations and their actions within the Metal Gear universe.

5 Raiden Never Escaped the Patriots

The Patriots Kept Controlling Raiden's Life

  • The Patriots followed the other protagonists and NPCs.
  • They had previously succeeded at capturing him, turning him into a cyborg before his 'escape'.

The compelling theory that the Patriots continued to manipulate Raiden's life even after his supposed escape raises thought-provoking questions about autonomy and control. This theory invites fans to reevaluate Raiden's agency and the complexities of his struggles within the series.

4 Otacon is The Hero

The Nerdy Hacker Played The Biggest Role in Defeating the Patriots

  • His computing hacking abilities and technical know-how have made him an important character in the plot.
  • He's also saved multiple lives, including Solid Snake's, and was the one who ultimately destroyed the Patriots.

Otacon's pivotal role in the series' events highlights the significance of his character and his contributions to the overall narrative. This theory reframes the traditional hero narrative, shedding light on the crucial behind-the-scenes actions of a seemingly unlikely protagonist.

3 Solid Snake is The Villain

The Protagonist Isn't Strictly a Good Guy

  • He's reluctant to receive praise for his actions as he knows they've hurt others in the process.
  • He was also used largely as a tool by higher powers before breaking out on his own.

Rethinking Solid Snake's role in the series challenges traditional hero narratives and invites a more nuanced perspective on his actions and motivations. This theory prompts fans to reassess the complexities of morality and agency within the Metal Gear universe.

2 The Games Are Simulations

MGS1, 2, 3, and GBC are VR Missions

  • The series incorporated its VR Missions into the plot, and constantly breaks the 4th wall.
  • MGS1 and MGS2's Tanker Chapter have canonically been turned into VR Missions in-lore.

The intriguing notion that the games may exist within a simulated reality challenges fans to reconsider the nature of the series' events and characters. This theory sparks thought-provoking discussions about the blurred lines between reality and simulation within the Metal Gear universe.

1 Never Be Game Over!

Kojima Never Left Konami

  • MGS5 has incomplete sections ('Kingdom of the Flies' finale) and unused assets ('Chapter 3: Peace' title card).
  • Kojima had previously hidden cryptic clues in his work or tried to pull the wool over fans' eyes.

The compelling theory that Kojima never truly left Konami challenges fans to scrutinize the intricate details surrounding his departure and the subsequent development of the series. This theory prompts thought-provoking discussions about the nature of creative control and authorship within the Metal Gear community.
