Discovering Magikarp and Gyarados in Pokemon Unite

Learn about the latest additions to the Pokemon Unite game and their exciting movesets.
Discovering Magikarp and Gyarados in Pokemon Unite


  • Magikarp's unique evolution process in Pokemon Unite challenges the traditional level requirements, offering a fresh gameplay experience.
  • Magikarp may appear weak with moves like Splash, but it also possesses the powerful Flail and the Rattled passive ability, adding versatility to its gameplay.
  • Once evolved, Gyarados in Pokemon Unite showcases a formidable movepool, including Dragon Breath, Aqua Tail, Bounce, Waterfall, Moxie, and the impactful Unite Move, Dragon Current.

Pokemon Unite is introducing an unexpected yet iconic addition to the game with the inclusion of Magikarp. Despite its appearance as a seemingly feeble fish, Magikarp's evolution into Gyarados positions it as a potentially formidable contender in the fast-paced MOBA gameplay of Pokemon Unite. This dynamic duo is set to bring new mechanics to the game, as details from Pokemon Unite's Public Test server unveil the movesets for these new characters.

Magikarp is revolutionizing the Pokemon Unite experience with its unconventional evolution into Gyarados. Unlike most other Pokemon, Magikarp can evolve into Gyarados without adhering to the customary level requirements. Instead, it evolves when its effort gauge is full, a gauge that can be replenished through various actions such as employing basic attacks and Magikarp's own moves. While theoretically, a player can opt to keep Magikarp unevolved throughout the match, the effort gauge should naturally fill up during regular gameplay.

Movesets for Magikarp and Gyarados in Pokemon Unite


Known for its frailty in the Pokemon series, Magikarp initially presents itself as a seemingly feeble character in Pokemon Unite. However, it possesses a set of survival tactics to endure the period required to fill its effort gauge and evolve into the formidable Gyarados.

Staying true to its origins, Magikarp retains its iconic Splash move in Pokemon Unite, which, similar to its portrayal in other Pokemon titles, inflicts no damage but propels Magikarp a short distance forward. In addition to its basic attack, Magikarp wields the move Flail, inflicting greater damage as its HP diminishes. Furthermore, Magikarp benefits from the Passive Rattled, amplifying its movement speed when under attack and providing a degree of survivability prior to evolution.


Players who successfully guide Magikarp through its evolution into Gyarados gain access to a potent Pokemon armed with a diverse movepool. Upon evolving, Gyarados presents players with the choice between Dragon Breath and Aqua Tail. Dragon Breath unleashes damage in a linear fashion, capable of paralyzing opponents, while Aqua Tail allows continuous damage delivery upon holding the move button.

Following the initial moves, players can further select from Bounce, enabling Gyarados to leap into the air and traverse a distance before causing damage upon landing, and Waterfall, empowering the player to dash forward thrice, inflicting harm on caught enemies. Gyarados also boasts the Moxie passive ability, reducing move cooldowns upon defeating or assisting in defeating opponents. Its Unite Move, Dragon Current, exhibits the potential for considerable impact, enabling the player to submerge and arise, unleashing area-of-effect damage proportional to the duration spent underwater.