Pokemon Sleep: Top Skills Experts Revealed

Discover how these Skills Experts can elevate your Pokemon Sleep team.
Pokemon Sleep: Top Skills Experts Revealed


  • Unravel the complexity of Skills-based Pokemon in Pokemon Sleep for enhanced gameplay.
  • Invest wisely in top Skills-based Pokemon to significantly boost your team's performance.
  • Explore the prowess of Gardevoir, a standout Skills specialist in Pokemon Sleep.

Three distinct specialties shine in Pokemon Sleep: Berries, Ingredients, and Skills. While locating Pokemon adept at gathering berries and ingredients is straightforward, grasping the nuances of Skills-based Pokemon can be challenging.

With a plethora of Pokemon specializing in various skills, understanding their mechanics can be perplexing. Once you've identified a potent Skills-based Pokemon, allocating resources to enhance its abilities becomes paramount for substantial team improvements.

7 Raikou

Skill: Helper Boost

Raikou, the inaugural legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Sleep, fell short of expectations compared to other Skills specialists.

To optimize Raikou's potential, assembling a diverse team of Electric-type Pokemon is essential, yet challenging without a robust Electric-type Ingredients specialist. The absence of an Electric-type island further hampers Raikou's effectiveness outside its element.

6 Dedenne

Skill: Tasty Chance S

Dedenne, a charming Electric-type addition to Pokemon Sleep, enhances the likelihood of creating exceptionally tasty dishes, boosting Snorlax's strength significantly.

By leveraging Main Skill Seeds, Dedenne can elevate the odds of producing extra tasty dishes from 4% to 10%, potentially becoming a pivotal team member with future level cap increments.

5 Espeon

Skill: Charge Strength M

Renowned as one of Eevee's premier evolutions, Espeon emerges as a versatile Psychic-type asset in Pokemon Sleep, bolstering Snorlax's strength with its Charge Strength M skill.

While acquiring Espeon necessitates a significant 150-hour sleep commitment with Eevee, its performance rivals that of other top-tier Pokemon like Ampharos.

4 Ampharos

Skill: Charge Strength M

Ampharos has surged in popularity post-level cap adjustments, augmenting Snorlax's strength significantly when triggered, making it a valuable asset on islands lacking proficient berry specialists.

Evolution from a well-raised Mareep ensures an Ampharos starting with a Main Skill level of 3, conserving Main Skill Seeds for strategic utilization.

3 Sylveon

Skill: Tasty Chance S

Sylveon earns its place among top contenders, boasting a shared Main Skill with Gardevoir and Wigglytuff, albeit requiring substantial dedication for evolution.

Despite demanding prerequisites and increased Main Skill seed expenditure, Sylveon's superior activation frequency over Wigglytuff positions it as a compelling choice for strategic teams.

2 Wigglytuff

Skill: Energy for Everyone S

Long revered for its indispensable role in elite teams, Wigglytuff's Energy for Everyone S skill facilitates energy restoration for the entire team, optimizing efficiency.

Elevating Wigglytuff's Main Skill level through Gold Skill Seeds procurement from the Premium Shop enhances team productivity, making it a strategic investment for players.

1 Gardevoir

Skill: Energy for Everyone S

Standing atop the Skills specialist hierarchy in Pokemon Sleep, Gardevoir emerges as a premier Pokemon, excelling with its Energy for Everyone S skill, ideal for team-wide energy restoration.

A careful evolution path from Ralts to female Gardevoir ensures optimal Main Skill progression, surpassing Wigglytuff in trigger frequency, making it a cornerstone for diverse team compositions.