How Pokemon Legends Z-A Can Redeem Pokemon X and Y

Exploring the potential for Pokemon Legends Z-A to address key shortcomings from the Gen 6 games.
How Pokemon Legends Z-A Can Redeem Pokemon X and Y


  • Pokemon Legends Z-A can introduce new gameplay elements while honoring traditional features.
  • The absence of a sub-Legendary trio in Gen 6 can be rectified in Pokemon Legends Z-A.
  • By prioritizing new Kalos Pokemon over Mega Evolutions, Pokemon Legends Z-A can enhance the gaming experience.

Pokemon games have been a staple in the gaming world since 1996, with each installment bringing its own set of traditions and innovations. The upcoming release of Pokemon Legends Z-A presents an opportunity to address some of the shortcomings of previous games, particularly Pokemon X and Y.

While the specifics of Pokemon Legends Z-A's gameplay loop remain unknown, it is anticipated to include both familiar and new Pokemon, potentially introducing regional forms and Mega Evolutions. Beyond the excitement for possible new features like a Charizard Z Mega Evolution, there is a chance for the game to correct a significant misstep from Gen 6 by introducing a new sub-Legendary trio and expanding the roster of Pokemon.

Pokemon Legends Z-A: Crafting a Kalos Legendary Trio

Revisiting a 17-Year Tradition

One long-standing tradition in Pokemon games was the inclusion of a trio of sub-Legendary Pokemon in each generation. However, Gen 6 deviated from this norm by omitting a new sub-Legendary trio, ending a streak that had lasted for 17 years. To address this gap, Pokemon Legends Z-A could introduce a new Kalos sub-Legendary trio, not only rectifying the previous error but also introducing fresh Kalos Pokemon to the series.

Correcting Gen 6's Oversight

Emphasizing New Kalos Pokemon Over Mega Evolutions

One of the primary criticisms of Gen 6 was its introduction of the fewest new Pokemon in any mainline game. While Mega Evolutions provided some compensation with their unique designs, they were a limited feature. In contrast, Pokemon Legends Z-A has the chance to prioritize the addition of new Kalos Pokemon over Mega Evolutions, enriching the gameplay experience significantly. This decision could be justified through various narrative devices, such as integrating the new species into Kalos lore or scientific advancements within the game world.

With its potential to introduce innovative gameplay elements while honoring established traditions, Pokemon Legends Z-A stands as a promising opportunity to address past missteps and enhance the Pokemon gaming experience.