Trapped Shiny Gible: A Pokemon GO Player's Gym Dilemma

When a Shiny Gible is left in an abandoned gym far from home, will it ever find its way back to its trainer?
Trapped Shiny Gible: A Pokemon GO Player's Gym Dilemma


  • Leaving rare Pokemon in distant gyms poses retrieval challenges in Pokemon GO.
  • Gyms offer advantages, but rescuing stranded Pokemon can be tricky.
  • Players have faced the issue of Pokemon being stuck in gyms for years without a remote retrieval option from Niantic.

A devoted Pokemon GO player finds themselves in a predicament after leaving their prized Shiny Gible at a gym. The realization dawns that reclaiming it might not be a walk in the park. Sharing their plight with the Pokemon GO community garnered sympathy and speculation on the potential wait time. While not obligatory, engaging with Pokemon Gyms offers players numerous perks. Encountering a rival-controlled gym allows a chance to battle and conquer it for one's team. In the case of a friendly gym, players can reinforce existing Pokemon or introduce their own. This exact scenario played out for a player far from home, leading to the uncertainty of retrieving their valuable Pokemon.

Reddit user Hour-Preparation-637 recounted their journey to fellow fans, recounting their encounter with a campground gym dominated by their team for almost 200 days. The gym boasted Shiny Pokemon, prompting Hour-Preparation-637 to contribute their own Shiny Pokemon to fortify its defenses. However, upon returning home, the realization struck that there was no straightforward way to retrieve their Pokemon, leaving them pondering the timeline for its return.

Pokemon's Protracted Gym Stays in Pokemon GO

Hour-Preparation-637 sought input from other players on the longest duration their Pokemon had been 'hostage' in a gym. Responses varied widely, with some experiencing brief separations in densely populated areas, while others endured absences spanning hundreds of days. Astonishingly, a few players endured almost four years before their Pokemon were freed. Beyond Reddit, an infamous case involved a Weedle guarding a gym for an unprecedented six years in Pokemon GO.

Regrettably, despite player appeals, Niantic has not introduced a mechanism for remote Pokemon retrieval from gyms. Unless Hour-Preparation-637 revisits the campground, the sole hope lies in someone else challenging and defeating their Pokemon. Suggestions floated included seeking assistance from local Pokemon GO groups via social media. The separation of their Shiny Gible may impact their gameplay experience, with the reunion potentially delayed.