Pokemon GO Update Surprises Shiny Hunters

The latest Rediscover GO update in Pokemon GO is causing confusion among players on the hunt for specific shiny Pokemon.
Pokemon GO Update Surprises Shiny Hunters


  • New lighting effects in the Rediscover GO update of Pokemon GO are leading players to mistakenly identify regular Pokemon as shiny ones.
  • Distinguishing between normal and shiny Pokemon has become more challenging due to the updated lighting in the latest Pokemon GO campaign.
  • Players need to stay alert to the changes in lighting effects in Pokemon GO, particularly if they are seeking shiny Pokemon during the Rediscover Kanto event.

Pokemon GO enthusiasts seeking shiny Pokemons are facing a surprising challenge in the game's recent updates, particularly the Rediscover GO campaign launched recently. This campaign includes various visual and quality-of-life enhancements designed to prompt Pokemon GO players to explore improved existing features.

Despite being introduced almost eight years ago, the popularity of Pokemon GO remains high, with millions of players worldwide engaged in catching and discovering Pokemons. The game's developer, Niantic, continues to roll out new updates for Pokemon GO in 2024, with the Rediscover GO series being the latest addition. The most recent campaign aims to re-engage players by introducing fresh visual elements, upgraded avatar options, enhanced in-game maps, and more.

A player named throwupandaway71 came across a standard Litwick in the game that initially seemed like a shiny Litwick due to the altered lighting. Following throwupandaway71's Reddit post about the incident, numerous other Pokemon GO players joined the conversation to share their experiences with the new lighting effects. While some players were misled by the lighting changes, others pointed out that the absence of shiny particles around the Pokemon indicated its regular status. Although the new lighting has been well-received by the Pokemon GO community on Reddit, players searching for shiny Pokemons expressed a desire for the lighting not to interfere with specific Pokemon features, such as Litwick's candle flame.

Rediscover GO Update's New Lighting Confuses Pokemon GO Shiny Hunters

In the context of nighttime exploration in Pokemon GO, throwupandaway71 observed that a regular Litwick emits a blue glow similar to its shiny counterpart, potentially misleading players in search of a shiny Litwick due to the subtle differences between the two versions. It's important to note that Pokemon GO's Rediscover GO campaign includes increased shiny encounter rates, requiring players to be more observant of the Pokemons they encounter, especially those seeking specific shiny variants.

The Rediscover Kanto segment of the campaign will remain active until May 7. Following the conclusion of Rediscover Kanto, players in Japan will have a brief wait before Pokemon GO Fest 2024 kicks off on May 30 in Sendai. Subsequently, the event will move to Madrid and New York City in June and July. For those unable to attend these major events, a global Pokemon GO Fest in July offers an opportunity to participate remotely. These upcoming events present players with numerous chances to capture shiny Pokemons, earn rewards like new gear, Poke Balls, and more.