Pokemon GO Avatar Update: Fan Feedback and Reactions

A segment of the Pokemon GO community expresses dissatisfaction with the recent Rediscover Yourself update, which brings significant alterations to in-game avatars.
Pokemon GO Avatar Update: Fan Feedback and Reactions


  • Some players criticize the new Pokemon GO avatar update.
  • The Rediscover Yourself patch, launched on April 17, faces criticism for its drastic changes to avatars.
  • Players suggest they would have preferred new customization options alongside the existing avatar styles, rather than as replacements.

Not all Pokemon GO players are thrilled about the latest game update. The recent patch has brought substantial modifications to Pokemon GO avatars, leading to a wave of discontent within the community.

Dubbed as 'Rediscover Yourself' by Niantic, the contentious update marks the beginning of the Rediscover campaign, aimed at modernizing the popular mobile game. The global rollout of Rediscover Yourself took place on April 17 for Pokemon GO players worldwide.

Criticism of New In-Game Avatars by Pokemon GO Fans

A vocal group within the community has swiftly condemned the update, stating that it deviates too far from the game's established style. Within just 24 hours of its release, numerous players expressed discontent with the changes on social platforms. Much of the criticism mirrors earlier complaints from late March, where some players referred to the beta version of the update turning their avatars into 'potatoes.'

While many players simply label the new avatars as 'ugly,' some have provided constructive feedback to Niantic. Certain opinions have pointed out the reduction in available skin tones and criticized the unusually short necks of Pokemon GO avatars.

Post the Rediscover Yourself update, players encountered a glitch where wearing a skirt and assigning a small Pokemon to defend a Gym led to an unintended camera angle that focused inappropriately on the avatar's lower body on the Gym screen. Besides technical issues, fans struggled with creating avatars that didn't appear overly androgynous. Some players expressed that they would have preferred additional appearance options alongside the existing ones, rather than a complete replacement.

Before the controversial update went into beta in the spring, players had already been requesting Niantic to revamp the avatar system, citing the outdated feel of Pokemon GO customization. Despite the introduction of more customization options with the Rediscover Yourself update, a growing number of fans are now urging developers to revert the changes. The likelihood of a reversal seems low, especially since Niantic has positioned the Rediscover campaign as a move to modernize the game for the foreseeable future.