Unveiling the Finest Pokemon Game Openings

Discover the captivating introductions that drew players into the world of Pokemon games from the very start.
Unveiling the Finest Pokemon Game Openings


  • Pokemon game openings shape the players' initial experiences, appealing to both newcomers and long-time fans alike.
  • Pokemon Legends: Arceus breaks conventions by seamlessly introducing novel gameplay through a gripping and enigmatic opening sequence.
  • Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire's innovative opening approach simplifies the initial gameplay by plunging players into an exciting encounter right from the beginning.

When diving into a video game, the opening plays a crucial role in shaping players' first impressions. New game titles typically kick off with an introductory cutscene to establish the narrative and a tutorial to familiarize players with the gameplay mechanics. Given the Pokemon franchise's enduring success spanning over two decades, the openings of these games must not only attract new fans but also captivate the existing player base.

With games released across multiple console generations, developers have employed diverse strategies to introduce players to new Pokemon titles. Naturally, some Pokemon game openings stand out more than others.

1 Pokemon Red And Blue

Introducing the Franchise to Novices

Serving as the introductory Pokemon games in the Western market, Pokemon Red and Blue faced the daunting task of appealing to a fresh audience. These games provided a straightforward experience for first-time players, with an initial static conversation with Professor Oak, followed by the pivotal choice of the first Pokemon at the lab. A brief tutorial battle ensues, paving the way for players to explore the game freely. Though swift, this opening impeccably set the stage for the series' future installments.

2 Pokemon X And Y

Embracing 3D Pokemon Adventures

While Pokemon X and Y maintained the core gameplay mechanics of the series, transitioning to 3D posed a significant challenge as the first main series games to do so. The seamless transition into the 3D realm through an engaging cutscene featuring the Pokemon Fletchling flying through the new 3D landscapes reassured fans of the game's fidelity to the series. This introduction, culminating in the selection of the starter Pokemon at the lab, effectively eased players into the new visual dimension.

3 Pokemon Legends: Arceus

Pioneering a Fresh Pokemon Gameplay Experience

The launch of Pokemon Legends: Arceus stirred excitement and apprehension among Pokemon enthusiasts due to its unique gameplay mechanics set in a bygone era. The game's opening sequence, featuring a luminous encounter with the legendary Arceus and a tutorial on catching Pokemon in this new format, adeptly introduced players to the innovative gameplay. The initial exploration of the wild area served as a tutorial for the novel Legends format, laying a solid foundation for the game ahead.