The Dilemma of Revealing New Pokemon Games Amid Nintendo Switch 2 Speculations

Assessing the potential challenges faced by Pokemon Day 2024 in unveiling new games amidst the rumored Nintendo Switch 2 reveal.
The Dilemma of Revealing New Pokemon Games Amid Nintendo Switch 2 Speculations


  • Fans are eagerly awaiting new updates and games following the conclusion of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's DLC.
  • Rumors of a March reveal for the Nintendo Switch 2 may impact the unveiling of new Pokemon games on Pokemon Day.
  • The Pokemon Company might face the challenge of discussing new games without referencing platforms due to the unconfirmed status of the Switch 2.

With the conclusion of DLC releases for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, the franchise is experiencing a scarcity of post-launch content, intensifying the anticipation surrounding Pokemon Day. Fans are eagerly anticipating updates and new developments within the Pokemon series. The wish lists for Pokemon Day are brimming with expectations of updates to existing titles and the arrival of entirely new games, such as remakes of Johto and Unova or the introduction of new series entries. However, while nothing has been officially confirmed, the pervasive leaks and rumors regarding the imminent release of the Nintendo Switch 2 cast a shadow of uncertainty over the potential new Pokemon reveals.

Rumors surrounding the Nintendo Switch 2 have been circulating for an extended period, gaining momentum in recent months with speculations about screen size, launch price, and potential announcement and release timelines. Despite the absence of official validation from Nintendo, the most recent speculation points to a March reveal for the Switch 2, just weeks after Pokemon Day on February 27. This looming prospect raises concerns about the implications for any new Pokemon games unveiled on Pokemon Day, potentially limiting The Pokemon Company's ability to provide comprehensive details.

Anticipated Pokemon Day Revelations

Expectations for Game Reveals on Pokemon Day 2024

Although the specifics of the Pokemon Day Direct remain undisclosed, the likelihood of at least one new game being revealed is substantial. A prolonged absence of new Pokemon games prior to the release of Generation 10 would result in a significant content drought for the franchise. Therefore, it is reasonable to anticipate the revelation of new titles on Pokemon Day, potentially including a new Pokemon Legends game, Unova remakes, Johto Let's Go games, or similar offerings.

This expectation is further reinforced by recent trends in game releases and announcements, with recent years witnessing a consistent stream of new titles such as Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl in November 2021, Pokemon Legends: Arceus in January 2022, and Pokemon Scarlet and Violet in November 2022. With players returning to Sword and Shield following The Indigo Disk in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet due to the superior endgame experience in Generation 8, the franchise is in dire need of a new title to sustain fan engagement until the advent of Generation 10.

The Conundrum of Pokemon Day Reveals

Dependence of Pokemon Day's New Game Reveals on the Nintendo Switch 2's Announcement

If new games are unveiled on Pokemon Day and the announcement of the Nintendo Switch 2 materializes in March, The Pokemon Company may face the dilemma of either explicitly stating that the games are destined for the Switch or refraining from mentioning platforms altogether. The prospect of discussing the launch details for the Switch while disregarding an impending Switch 2 reveal appears incongruous. Similarly, the revelation of potential Switch 2 launch titles in the absence of official acknowledgment of the console presents a challenging situation. Consequently, any new titles unveiled on Pokemon Day find themselves caught in a dilemma, including concerns regarding graphical implications.

If the Switch 2 is designed to be retro-compatible with Switch games, it remains plausible to showcase Switch graphics and gameplay in a prospective trailer without impacting the final product. However, if this compatibility is absent, the revelation of games exhibiting significantly superior performance than current-generation titles would be discordant. It may even necessitate Pokemon Day to abstain from unveiling new games and instead focus solely on ongoing celebrations and live-service components, with new titles being announced separately subsequent to the official presentation of the Switch 2. Consequently, this year's Pokemon Day holds the potential to be an unconventional experience for long-standing Pokemon enthusiasts.