Why Ubisoft Should Consider Making a Planet of the Apes Video Game Using the Far Cry Formula

Exploring the Potential of Adapting the Far Cry Formula for the Planet of the Apes Franchise
Why Ubisoft Should Consider Making a Planet of the Apes Video Game Using the Far Cry Formula


  • The success of the Far Cry franchise and its ability to adapt to different settings and concepts makes it a strong contender for a Planet of the Apes adaptation.
  • Ubisoft has demonstrated the viability of the Far Cry formula in sci-fi settings through titles like Far Cry Primal, New Dawn, and Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora.
  • The rich storytelling and vast universe of the Planet of the Apes franchise present an opportunity for a compelling and immersive gaming experience.

Despite a potential decline in interest from some players, the Far Cry series remains one of Ubisoft's most prominent franchises. Its sandbox gameplay has captivated fans for years, and its storytelling has consistently garnered praise. While Far Cry 6 may not have fully met expectations, there are no signs of the series slowing down.

Looking ahead, Ubisoft not only has multiple Far Cry titles in the pipeline but has also begun exploring new settings for the franchise. Spin-offs like Far Cry Primal and New Dawn have demonstrated the formula's versatility, and the recent release of Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora felt like a Far Cry game in all but name. Given this success, Ubisoft has an opportunity to further expand its reach by venturing into established sci-fi franchises such as Planet of the Apes.

The Potential of a Planet of the Apes Far Cry Game

Expanding the Sci-Fi Realm of Far Cry

While the core Far Cry series primarily focuses on immersive real-world environments, it has also ventured into the realm of science fiction. The introduction of Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon transported players to a retro-futuristic landscape that resonated strongly with the audience, inspiring subsequent unique spin-offs.

In subsequent years, Ubisoft took the formula to new frontiers, exploring the Stone Age in Far Cry Primal and delving into post-apocalyptic scenarios in Far Cry New Dawn. Despite mixed reception, these titles showcased the formula's adaptability. Moreover, Ubisoft has experimented with unconventional themes such as zombies through DLC packs.

In 2022, Ubisoft pushed the boundaries further with Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora. While not part of the Far Cry series, the game closely mirrors its mechanics and style, immersing players in a sci-fi world that aligns with the essence of Far Cry. With this successful foray into an established IP, Ubisoft should seriously consider exploring the potential of adapting the Planet of the Apes franchise.

A Fitting Time for a Planet of the Apes Game

Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora validated the compatibility of the Far Cry formula with popular IPs, highlighting the gameplay's appeal despite narrative shortcomings. Additionally, the success of Far Cry Primal demonstrated the formula's efficacy in settings with limited resources, setting the stage for a compelling adaptation within the Planet of the Apes universe.

Although not as renowned as Avatar, the Planet of the Apes franchise has a rich history, captivating audiences since 1968 and receiving a resurgence with the recent film trilogy. With a new film on the horizon, the timing is ideal for Ubisoft to delve into the expansive mythos of Planet of the Apes through a video game adaptation.

A Planet of the Apes Far Cry game holds promise for an engaging experience. Players could embody a new ape character, navigating a sprawling apocalyptic world and engaging in a struggle for survival against apes, humans, and diverse wildlife. Leveraging the Far Cry series' expertise, Ubisoft has the opportunity to create a captivating gaming experience within the Planet of the Apes universe.