Unveiling the Top 6 Massive Personas in Atlus' Persona Games

Exploring the gigantic creatures that have graced the Persona series with their presence
Unveiling the Top 6 Massive Personas in Atlus' Persona Games


  • Discover the largest and most imposing Personas in the popular Persona games
  • From powerful dragons to godlike beings, these Personas dominate the battlefield
  • Unravel the stories behind these colossal creatures and their significance in the game series

Dive into the world of Persona, a beloved JRPG series that seamlessly blends life simulation and role-playing elements to captivate fans worldwide. The captivating gameplay and engaging narratives featuring memorable characters have solidified the series as a fan favorite through the releases like Persona 3 Reload and the anticipation for the upcoming Persona 6. Central to the gameplay is the ability of the main character to wield various Personas, some of which are colossal and effortlessly overpower foes.

6 Izanagi-no-Okami

The Ultimate Persona that Stands Tall Against Izanami

  • Arcana: World
  • Appearances: Persona 4, Persona 5 Royal

In Persona 4, the emergence of Izanami plunges the town of Inaba into chaos, setting the stage for a thrilling showdown. The transformation of Izanagi into Izanagi-no-Okami signifies a monumental shift in power, as this towering Persona demonstrates its might by defeating the malevolent entity. While not the largest Persona, its impressive stature and strength leave a lasting impact.

5 King Frost

Royalty Among the Jack Frost Family

  • Arcana: Emperor
  • Appearances: All games except the first Persona

King Frost reigns supreme as the most powerful member of the Jack Frost lineage, boasting immense size and chilling abilities. His commanding presence and icy prowess set him apart, showcasing why he stands as the pinnacle of the Jack Frost family. While not the largest, his regal demeanor and formidable skills make him a force to be reckoned with.

4 Mada

A Colossal Persona of Unmatched Power

  • Arcana: Magician, Tower, Hanged Man
  • Appearances: Persona 3 Reload, Persona 4 & Golden, Persona 5 & Royal

Mada stands as a behemoth among ultimate Personas, exuding sheer dominance and grandeur on the battlefield. Its imposing size and unrivaled abilities make it a formidable ally against any adversary, showcasing its exceptional prowess. Drawing inspiration from Hindu mythology, Mada's colossal presence and mythic origins add to its awe-inspiring stature.

3 Lucifer

Unleashing Destruction with a Massive Persona

  • Arcana: Devil, Star, Judgment
  • Appearances: All games except the first Persona

Lucifer emerges as a formidable force, boasting immense power and a formidable wingspan that symbolizes its colossal nature. With devastating abilities at its disposal, Lucifer decimates foes effortlessly, showcasing its overwhelming might. While not the largest in size, Lucifer's imposing presence and destructive capabilities solidify its status as one of the series' most formidable Personas.

2 Kohryu

The Mythical Dragon of Unparalleled Length

  • Arcana: Strength & Hierophant
  • Appearances: All games except the first Persona

Kohryu, the majestic golden dragon, stands as one of the most potent ultimate Personas, renowned for its immense length and legendary origins. Inspired by Chinese mythology, Kohryu's elongated form pays homage to its celestial roots as Huang Long. Its versatility in combat and symbolic significance make it a standout Persona, revered for its imposing presence and mythical allure.

1 Satanael

Ascending to Godlike Stature and Power

  • Arcana: Fool
  • Appearances: Persona 3 Reload, Persona 5 & Royal

Witness the awe-inspiring presence of Satanael, a Persona of colossal proportions that rivals even the gods in stature and power. With a grandeur that eclipses all others, Satanael's towering form dominates the battlefield, showcasing unparalleled strength and divine essence. Its climactic clash against Yaldabaoth exemplifies its godlike status, culminating in a monumental showdown that cements Satanael as the series' most monumental and awe-inspiring Persona.